"what? by who?" Anna asked
*Erin kept praying*
"well if you showed them you weren't like your fauther then they woulsd exept you! it may take time but it will work! comon! it's worth a try!" she said with a smile
"no! that isn't true! I guess if you want you could stay at my house till you finde a place of your own. I have extra rooms and am almost always at the bakeory" Anna said
*Destiny layed unconches*
"well there has to be somwhere...maybe...ummm..." Anna said thinking
*Erin noded*
"not true! there has to be somwhere!" she said
"then you have to get away! what he is doing is crule!"
*Erin prays sighlently*
*Erin obays*
"that's not true! he has no right to do that to you!" she said
*Chris sat alone*
"that's horibul!" Anna said
*Christopher looked at his reflecshon*
*Christopher walked to the pond*
"why?" Anna asked
ooc: if they dont want her to die yes