*Anna folowed him* "oh don't be upset"
"yeah, but I like it...I have wings and am normal size" she said with a grin
*Anna broke out laughing* "now was findeing the exit realy so hard?" she asked laughing
"yeah. I'm half human half fairy" she said
*Anna picked up ninja stars that she droped purpesly as they walked and they were soon at the exit*
ooc: Erin is there he's just being quiet bic: with light magic" Anna said "one of the purcs of being a half breed"
"sure" Anna said takeing the lead
*Anna ait some of hers*
"you are so lost!" anna teased
"I'm glad you like them! I am a baker and so I make all kindes of sweats" Anna said
"you're lost ait you?" she asked
"thease" she said pulling out 3 bags of muncheys from the bakery "hope you all like sweats!" she said giveing one to Nox, one to Erin, and keeping onne for herself
*Anna noded*
*Anna waited for an anser*
"that's great!" Anna said happely almost finished healing him
"ok. how do you plan for us to get there?" Anna asked
"well...day dream...think about places you could go...lots of ways"
"well if you think that way then that is what will happen! you gotta be positive!" she said healing him
"ok" she said handing it to him