*the memories stoped*
"well it's true!"
it swiched to a sean where Erin was siting alone in a dark cell* "why? why am I traped here? what did I ever do to deserve this?" Erin asked himself *Erin picked up a small piece of glass and slit his wrists*
*they stayed sleeping*
"because I don't have a reason to be unhappey!"
*the slept* ooc: awww...poor Nox!
"well why shouldn't I be?" she asked
*the both fell asleep*
"but sciping's fun"
"I wont" she said laying on the tree branch
"what do you meen?" she asked
"no need...I sleep in trees alot" Anna said already sitting on a high branch
*she folowed him sciping*
"yeah" she said ooc: *hits you on head*
LOL!!! Yeah! Mickey's strongest power is his boring lecshers!
"nah. you can lead this time!"
"yeah...people who hate other's for who they are or what they are truly only hate themselves"
Mickey mouse...king of all worlds...
I don't think MIckey would ever be able to fight Riku. No matter what would happen if he didn't, not even if Riku was evi. They are just to close! what do you think?
"yeah some people don't think so but that's there problem not mine"