so then the code wont work but im sayin that your being a ***** to him over nothin but i dont wanna get into that
well wats twitter?
well you are the one that said to give you credit but if you simply say that you wont make more people have no choice but to respect it and he...
yeah the supermod thing is true but not really hes nice and stuff you just got pissed cuz of the leon code but remember that his site is new...
dam that was well thought of it could be
i noticed but why? he even made you supermod in the coder group
well i usually just hang here and talk and its an addictive site
wat happened?
thats good especially if you can walk over to your grandmas but dam its still messed up you have to pressure her and cry too telling her that if she doesnt let you shes a bad mom and stuff even if its not true it brings pressure but still becarefull with wat you say cuz i dont want to get you in trouble with her
i liked it it was really cool especially bein able to summon cloud and stuff but card breaks kinda sucks when we are the ones getting card broken
dam how are you planning on tricking her? does your dad live far? maybe he can drop you off there every once in a while btw is she your moms mom or your dads?
i guess TWTNW but twilight was awesome too
thats a fight in my block
well tell your mom that shes you grandma and you really miss her and want to see her to at least drop you off outside of her house and thats shes important to you and keep insisting on it
**** well watever then
yeah but not the boss fight just a play as without animations
that wasnt long anyways welcome and glad you decided to join
tell your dad and try to get access through your dad and tell her that even thought they hate each other shes your grandma and you want to see her also if you can drive that would help a lot
man thats awesome better and more affordable
wow that comercial was amazin it was really good