but a mushballs cant attack or anything right? and i meant the code that you just posted on tyhe kh thread
so basically you cant use the character? and abut that soul eater riku code you posted is that a playable code or ally?
how exacly is that? i cant im not home now
how does a mushball look?
cool are they all playable or for your party?
wat character mods? but how did they get it to work on dat vid against cloud?
oh cool ill try those codes wen i can and hey wats goin on with the kh1 thread. im confused. did u get dark riku to work?
well i went on my first ever cruise and it was to bahamas and i went to atlantic which was the bomb well it was awesome and im back
oh shit it worked i dont know why it didnt last time
soras face as a reply wen riku asked him how he was going to face everyone again
but the leon code only works on the leon fight so thats probably why
another enemy would be nice cuz sephiroth is too hard only way to beat his ass as leon is to use inf hp wait you have a playable riku in the parasite battle? i want it! dam so close to a breakthrough
im leaving for ever on a 3 day cruz well im suppossed to return monday but school starts monday so i dont know if i can return since its my moms comp and she wont let me use it in school but ill see either way ill be on every now and then i wanted to be premmy before school but ill keep trying to get it
ugh start school monday well thanks to my frist cruz ride ill start tuesday but i dont wanna go well at least its my last year
i was the one beign ignorant
yeah i just got a lil worked over but i was never mad at you i was just pissed at gettin derepped 3 times over calling you ignorant but thats my...
i dont have a facebook but i like myspace its pretty good and its more focused on teens facebook is more of and adult thing
its awesome and has a good storyline so far cant wait for episode 2
later have fun
cool thanks for clearing that up i read many volumes from it i think till like 8 and it was awesome EDIT: i just saw up to episode 8 its a huge rip its the same thing as full metal alchemist but skipping some stuff and i have yet to see the connection between this and the manga i read most of it and its really not goin by it at all only the first episode was different