and already doing high school math? dam!
50 cent: bulletproof it had a ton of songs and good ones too kingdom hearts but the main tracks like "santuary" and "simple and clean" they were awesome songs
wat grade are you on?
oh no wonder everythins so easy to you
guess he gave up or watever
you are a quick learner
hes new to hacking i guess
cant that guy who once made one on msn make you a dump? the one with the emu?
yeah i know that you guys arent working together i used the riku code and it was awesome. i wish it had another attack too. like a regular hit...
its awesome i beat leon with it i just wish it had another attack too
oh **** thats awesome!
wats a marly code?
no y?
oh alrigh
like another digit like 0 or 2 would bsod right?
cool theres a lot of people like you here so you'll fit in just fine
yeah i noticed thanks so if i put another one it wouldnt work?
cool thanks
oh **** i just noticed the xs yeah that one with wat do u replace the xs?
um the "x"?