jess struggled to walk to the shore and get some water. she completed her task and went back to maria's side. the water she was holding glowed a pale blue as she touched the side of maria's head with it. this has to work, jess thought trying hard to heal her wounded friend,
a few minutes later jess's eyes flickereed open, she was laying on the sand exhausted.she looked around and saw maria passed out next to her. "what is wrong with her?" she asked "is she dead?" she asked again her voice still low and worried. ooc: i know she isn't dead but jess doesn't
jess rolled out of the orb as it craked sand was covering her, sticking to her wet clothes. she was still unconcious.
jess was breathing hard as the sphere filled with carbondioxide that she was breathing out. jess's eyes closed as she fainted on the sand around her. she was breathing but barely.
ven turned to sand between the rocks, that wasn't him, he had already teleported away to keep from dying and left jess behind. "i am coming back for you," he said to jess as he left. the sand stopped falling down and jess tried to break the glass. she turned toward maria, can you do the lightning thing again? she asked still unable to be heard. ooc: ven can't die cuz i am going to use him a lot later so ya...
ven's smile completely vanished, "so you don't care about her," he sunk into the ground away from harm, "what does she think?" he gestured toward maria. when the orb cracked he made another around jess keeping her trapped in the glass shut up! jess mouthed trying to pick up the water from the waterfall. she picked up a little grr.. i can't get a stance! jess thought. ven looked at jess "ooh, my master is going to love that!" he said as jess slipped further under the sand. the sand was now waist high. ven smiled evily getting ready to teleport. ooc: this is kind of hard, ya if you see something that doesn't make sense refresh the page cuz i might have edited it.
ven's smile flickered. "fine," he said. making an arch above himself and jess to keep them out of harms way. he formed an unbreakable airtight glass ball around jess. "you hurt me she dies," ven said as the ball began to fill with sand. jess pressed her hands against the glass. "i am the only one who can release that once it is cast," he said again. "let us pass and you just might see her again," ven said. jess shook her head, don't! she mouthed, get out of here! her voice wasn't audible
ven smiled mischeviously, pressing the sword closer to jess's neck. he didn't have control over her hands so she made another whip out of water and hit him in the face this time drawing blood. "you are seriously going to regret that!" he said fire forming around the blades. he ran up to jess and seized her once again this time holding her hands with one of his and having the other hand have the sword at her neck. "step away and she won't get hurt." he said to Maria backing up. "you might want to stop those fire balls you'll hit jess," he added to sin. "let go of me!" jess screamed kicking him in the shins.
jess began to move the water around her. this always makes me so calm she thought. soon the figure in the woods emerged an evil smile planted on his face. Name: Ven Age: 19 History:N/A Side: evil Skills: can do just about anything Anybody introduced later from the same family: N/A Appearance: Weapon Name: unknown Weapon strength: 90 Weapon Appearance: two swords one black blade white hilt the other white blade black hilt Any other weapons introduced later from the same character: N/A jess let the water crash back into the pool. "who are you?" she stammered. "no one important," he replied. "but just for the record my name is ven," jess backed up. "i'm je--" ven cut her off, "jess, yes i know," he said. he walked toward her. "what do you want?" jess asked. "i want you to come with me and help me take over this miserable planet," he replied smoothly. "what? are you crazy?" jess said putting her hands casually behind her back and forming a whip out of water. "no i---" he was cut off by a sharp hit with the whip, "i would kill you right now if i didn't have direct orders to capture you," he said. jess backed up again. ven appeared behind her his swords put to her neck. jess let out a scream as he covered her mouth with his gloved hand.
jess wandered aimlessly around looking for a source of water. she walked steadily into the woods. jess looked around nope, no water here, she thought. she turned to leave when the sound of rushing water echoed in her ears. she sought out the source and found a waterfall crashing into a pool of clear water, this is perfect! she thought. little did she know someone sat watching her...
jess went back outside making sure her bood was tucked under her arm as she closed her front door behind her.she flipped open it and turned the pages until she found a really easy earth spell, why don't i try 'move a rock!' jess thought sarchastically laughing at her hopelessness. she raised her hand up slowly and picked up a medium sized boulder. it then crashed to the ground loudly shaking the trees and scaring birds out of the woods. "oops," she said aloud. trial and error, come on jess try again, jess thought trying to pick up the same rock and fling it a few meters away. she got the same miserable result. great! jess thought angrily well my river is invaded, can't go back there, i might have some more water somewhere to cool off in.
jess slapped her forehead angrilly as she tried, and failed, to create a tree. she stood up and walked into her house looking for the thick leather bound book that held all of her spells. most of which she had made up herself yet there were the occasional few that were made by a master. she flipped through the pages until she reached the tree growing chapter. catch leaf multiply sink into ground, grr! i already did that, what am i doing wrong? she thought as she read the page on growing trees.
jess soon came up to her house. it was quiet and quite a ways away from the river so it was peacefull. way to much has happened today, why are there so many people here? she thought she leaned against the rowan tree and caught a falling leaf. she clsed her eyes and concentrated hard. the leaf shuddered then multiplied falling to the ground it sunk into the earth making a small rowan sappling. jess exhaled angrilly that was almost it... she thought. her goal was to create another Rowan tree like the first. she somewhat failed miserably.
jess turned to look at precious, she backed up... she wasn't used to seeing so many people, almost everyone rejected her exsistence. it was weird when she met kain and sin because they didn't hate her. she pulled the water from her clothes and hair and put it back in the water then she walked into the forest hoping nobody would stop her from leaving.
jess turned at the sound of whistling. there another person was walking along juggling fireballs. she turned back to Kain and Sin, "sorry i have to go," she said getting up to leave.
jess crossed her arms. she sighed and stood back up trying something else, she dove into the river and sat at the bottom of the bed. her eyes were closed, when she opened her eyes she swirled the water around her. it parted away from jess and left a completely dry circle where she was sitting. she let the water fall back to the ground slowly, and she sat at the bottom of the river again. when she was calm she rose to the surface again, occasionally shouting out tips to kain.
jess heard something in the forest. she turned and looked around. Jess cocked her head and sighed hopping off of her ice block. she walked back onto the bank and sat crossleged watching Kain try to move the water around the way he wanted it to. "Kain! don't get annoyed by it," she said.
Jess turned her gaze from the new person and stared at Kain. "What happened?" she asked twisting her hair to try and free it from the water. She created some ice and hopped up on it, her feet dangling in the clear, blue water.
jess smiled trying to hide her amusement. "you have to be calm and not loose concentration, otherwise it won't work," she said. she picked up the water and began to twirl it again, "see?" jess looked around and noticed someone floating in the water. she walked over to the person getting positively drenched. "hey," she said
"how about... what i just did? that isn't too hard." jess said to kain... ooc: srry it is short i have no idea what to say...