"they already know i can bend water. that is why they came after me in the first place, the only reason i cant right now is because i am completely wiped out from yesterday." jess said turning to the mirror-ish portal. she cocked her head and stared deep into the portal. her head began to fill with a strange buzzing noise. soon audible voices were heard, "--i told you already, i'll find the spell casters master," "no ven, i have given you to many chances, this time i am sending someone stronger. besides you are absolutely no mach for jaden, you couln't even kidnap a teenager," a figure jess reconized as ven appeared in the portal. he was talking to some person sitting in a chair he was dressed in all black. so this must be ven's 'master' jess thought ooc: do you want to be super evil dude or do you want me to be super evil dude?
ooc: i don't mind cursing since my friends curse all the time. bic: "i hate not being able to bend water!" jess said a little louder than she had intended. she flung herself onto the surface and rested there floating. she wasn't thinking about not ever getting dry or about how bored she was. actually jess wasn't thinking about anything. she sighed softly as a school of minnows darted under her. ooc: edited it didn't make much sense.
jess smiled again as she walked into the water. "well at least you got rid of some of them, though it would have done me a huge favor if Ven was one of them," ven entered a long hallway. at the end a large black door stood. ven entered shuddering."what are you doing back here? where is the girl? i thought you said two of the spell casters were jaden's sons i thought you said the other three were strong too... well, WHERE ARE THEY?!" his voice boomed out menicingly. ven got on his knees and bowed low, "my master, oi could not reach them," ven said boldly desperately not wanting to feel his masters wrath. "AND WHY NOT?!"ven's master boomed out suddenly. sparks of lightning flew across the room toward ven halting before ven. the electric spikes flickered evilly before vens eyes. "jaden," he croaked. "jaden is alive." ooc: ya it kinda is like that... woah! i just realized something... it says you are offline........
"yeah that is really weird," jess agreed. she stood up and brushed the dirt from her wet clothes. she smiled kindly at jaden and began to walk back toward the water. ooc: i have no idea what to say again.
ooc: back on ^^... i don't know what to say... "that was two years ago?!" jess asked.
jade walked through the dense forest looking for anysign of reassurance that she wasn't too far from home, she was, however, disapointed at the most when she saw a blue jay fly to the tree branches. her eyes grew wide, how did i get on earth? she asked herself as she began to walk faster through the woods
Amy looked up from the ground. where am i? she thought. she sat up on her knees and looked around. she was surrounded by trees and a river. Amy stood up and began to walk away from where she woke up. ooc: it is short since i have like nothing to say
ooc: im back on for like ten min then, since i am on my brothers computer and he has to log out so i can get on my account. that makes almost no sense but the point is i will be on in a few minutes and if i have to get off then i will get on late
jess smiled. "ow!" she fell to her knees clutching her left shoulder. she brought her hand away and looked at the skin that was stained scarlet. she walked over to the side of the water and splashed some water on the gash. it stung ooc: i have to go soon i will be back on later.
jess smiled uncertainly, "that was a joke right?" she said. her smile faded as jaden didn't answer. "great.... i had to learn magic" she grumbled. jess bowed her head to jaden politely, "we have not been introduced properly, i am jess, and you are..."
ven looked up again blood was pouring from a gash in his head, "master should know--" he said then he disappeared. jess looked at jaden again, "do you know why they are after me?" she asked him.
ven's face went pale as he looked up from the ground and saw jaden. "no! you died! you died when you tried to kill master!" ven shook his head as if he were trying to rid jaden from his memories. jess looked up at jaden. her eyes were wide with fear as the two began to battle
"get out of my way!" jess said getting angry. "i don't think so, right now you are powerless against me since you can't use magic," ven said. "my master wants you to help him fight to take over this place and you, wether you like it or not, are going to help him." ven said. "oh and just something you should know, all of your friends are going to either die or join us." jess looked at ven angrily. "i might not be able to use magic, but i am still strong enough to get away from you!" jess said her hands curling into fists. Ven watched her airily, "okay then," he ran at her both of his swords on fire. jess backflipped out of the way and landed behind ven. she placed her hand on his spine and followed his movements so he couldn't touch her.
Jess heard a noise that sounded like a bolt of lightning, who could that be there is no way Kain could have gotten better over night. Jess ran to where the sound of the lightning was. Ven stood there. "You again," Jess said. "My aren't we the curious one?" Ven said standing in the middle of a circle of blue fire. "And you want?" Jess asked. "Must i repeat myself?" Ven asked. Jess turned to run, but ven appeared in front of her. ooc: is jaden really kains dad?
"i just got up a little while ago," jess replied. she tried to find something to do.
jess continued to float in the water. oh great! i forgot about drying off... jess thought. she stood up and swam to the shore. she got out and tried her best to wring out her hair and clothes. it didn't work very well. jess was still soaked in water and she made puddles behind her as she tried to find something to do
jess sighed as she let the water flow through her body. she made sure not to slip up and try and move the water.
jess went outside to her two tree sapplings. she watered them, normally, then sat under the towering rowan tree's shade. she picked up her spell book that she had left there yesterday and began to read it. she didn't feel like practicing sword fighting or marial arts and she couldn't practice magic, so after she finished reading a chapter she set off to the river to relax. not here to practice she reminded herself as she neared the blue water.
"where is the girl?" a comanding voice asked ven. "i couldn't get her in time there were too many people around," he replied. "ven, i want that girl!" the same voice as before boomed. "i know my lord. i will get her for you, i swear," ven said. "but i have some good news, it seems there are other strong spellcasters there too..." jess awoke a day later, her eyes opened slowly and she sat up from the floor. she rubbed the sleep from her eyes and stood up. she glanced down at her wet, mud covered, bloody clothes. she changed quickly and went outside. i can't practice today, she thought. read ven's story, editied last sentene
jess smiled warmly at maria, "thank god your ok, i thought you were dead," she said, trying to hide her own pain. she stood up shakily, i have to do teleport even if it uses the last of my energy there is no way i am going to make it to my house if i walk. she thought, trying to bend the water inside of the sphere was hard. you have to be able to feel the water when you command it. jess closed her eyes and teleported to her house, she was a little off and instead of landin on the bed she landed on the floor. she fainted before she could make it to her room.