ooc: ya i haven't forgotten that... you are so dead... where were you by the way
ooc: what?
hye i'll join... what is the plot outline again? it is kindof hard to follow... Name: Yuai Age: 17 Weapon: in pic Appearance: http://photobucket.com/mediadetail/...irl.jpg&searchTerm=anime fighter&pageOffset=7 Abilities: can control earth and water History: N/A
jess grabbed her sword and headed out side... she was going to start practicing... she had been slacking off...
okay then i won't kill it... i was going to cuz nobody was saying anything. and the title name sounded weird so i made another one same topic different title
yayz ^^ your in... let me add you...
jade stopped she looked around her strange enviorment... "and what exactly am i supposed to do?" she asked herself kicking a rock slightly so that it flew twenty feet. yeah, i forgot the gravitiy on earth isn't as powerful as the gravity on my planet.
ooc: havent been on for a really long time... catch up please...
Story a grpup of teenagers from all over the galaxy were taken from their home planets and forced to live on earth all as regular teenagers that go to a regular boarding school. they, however, are all trying to find the gatreon portal so they can return home. but there is a small problem. not so small actually, they are being followed by an evil dude that wants to find the gatreon portal and harness it's power so he can ultimately rule the galaxy... any questions? i know it is kind of cheesy but anyway, that is the plot... RULES 1. can have up to 3 characters 2. can add a new character anytime 3. no cussing unless it is written like this b***h 4. please keep all violence pg-13 or under. 5. blood is ok 6. no controlling/ killing other characters without their permission 7. no GOD characters 8. have fun! ^^ here is how you sign up Username: so we know who you are playing Name: Planet: Ability: (can only have up to two) History: Apperance: Weapons: (not required) Weapon abilities: (only if you have a weapon) (if you want to make a villan say he/she is a villan) Here are the characters so far Username: amythest Name: jade Planet: hyoushou Ability: Can control water and earth (not the planet) i felt like saying that... History: N/A Apperance: http://photobucket.com/mediadetail/...141.jpg&searchTerm=anime fighter&pageOffset=0 Weapons: twin swords Weapon Abilities: when jade's energy is released into the swords they change form to one never melting ice sword.this sword she uses rarely since it takes up a lot of energy Username: XxRukiaKuchikixX Name:Kairotu Planet:Sheenki History:he is a vampire Apperance: (( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vampire_(Twilight) )) Username: Devil's Angel Name: jen Planet: unkown Ability: heal and summons her dragon and sword History: suffers from amnesia Apperance:http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc210/Japanime95/ljh.jpg Weapns: two katanas and summons a large sword and laters learns how to use guns Weapon Abilities: they absorb energy from the keeper to make attck stronger. Username: SORA! Name:yumi Planet:venus Ability: fire and water History:n/a Apperance: no link Weapons: (not required) Weapon abilities: (only if you have a weapon) Username:cloud's buddy Name:Languna Planet:daichi Ability: can read minds History:some guy wiged out his memory Apperance:http://photobucket.com/mediadetail/....jpg&searchTerm=rurouni kenshin&pageOffset=18 Weapons:reverse blade sword Weapon abilities: ebsorbs energy to make a devistating blow -------------------------------------------------------- jade looked around the forest. her eyes traveled toward the trees then back to the ground. where am i? she thought. she glanced at the trees again praying she was somewhere in the only forest in hyoushou. a blue jay twittered above her head. jade swore loudly. (there were no birds on hyoushou). she began to walk through the forest hoping she would eventually wake up from this dream.
jess placed her hands on her hips. weird conversation she thought standing up strait. she blinked and began to walk toward her house. when she arrived she sa her three rowan trees standing there silently. she cocked her head and smiled whil walking towards them. she sat underneath the big one and leaned against it's trunk. her hand groped aimlessly around for her book. she found it picked it up and began to read it... i really need to bring this inside, it is getting covered in dirt... after she read a chapter she rose to her feet and walked inside. she opened the closed door and placed the book on the top shelf.
okay let me add you... now we can start... jade looked around the forest. her eyes traveled toward the trees then back to the ground. where am i? she thought. she glanced at the trees again praying she was somewhere in the only forest in hyoushou. a blue jay twittered above her head. jade swore loudly. (there were no birds on hyoushou). she began to walk through the forest hoping she would eventually wake up from this dream.
jess looked away shamefully, "ya i would probably hate that more, than not being able to use my powers..."
that's ok i gtg to church i will try to get back on asap
your in too... let me add you... do you have the link to ur pic though?
ooc: hey^^ ur in let me add you...
first rp so bear with me a grpup of teenagers from all over the galaxy were taken from their home planets and forced to live on earth all as regular teenagers that go to a regular boarding school. they, however, are all trying to find the gatreon portal so they can return home. but there is a small problem. not so small actually, they are being followed by an evil dude that wants to find the gatreon portal and harness it's power so he can ultimately rule the galaxy... any questions? i know it is kind of cheezy but anyway, that is the plot... RULES 1. can have up to 3 characters 2. can add a new character anytime 3. no cussing unless it is written like this b***h 4. please keep all violence pg-13 or under. 5. blood is ok 6. no controlling/ killing other characters without their permission 7. no GOD characters 8. have fun! ^^ here is how you sign up Username: so we know who you are playing Name: Planet: Ability: (can only have up to two) History: Apperance: Weapons: (not required) Weapon abilities: (only if you have a weapon) (if you want to make a villan say he/she is a villan) Here are the characters so far Username: amythest Name: jade Planet: hyoushou Ability: Can control water and earth (not the planet) i felt like saying that... History: N/A Apperance: http://photobucket.com/mediadetail/...141.jpg&searchTerm=anime fighter&pageOffset=0 Weapons: twin swords Weapon Abilities: when jade's energy is released into the swords they change form to one never melting ice sword. Username: Devil's Angel Name: jen Planet: unkown Ability: heal and summons her dragon and sword History: suffers from amnesia Apperance:http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc210/Japanime95/ljh.jpg Weapns: two katanas and summons a large sword and laters learns how to use guns Weapon Abilities: they absorb energy from the keeper to make attck stronger. Username: SORA! Name:yumi Planet:venus Ability: fire and water History:n/a Apperance: no link in #5 post Weapons: (not required) Weapon abilities: (only if you have a weapon) Username:cloud's buddy Name:Languna Planet:daichi Ability: can read minds History:some guy wiged out his memory Apperance:http://photobucket.com/mediadetail/....jpg&searchTerm=rurouni kenshin&pageOffset=18 Weapons:reverse blade sword Weapon abilities: ebsorbs energy to make a devistating blow
ooc: that is cool ^^. bic: jess's jaw dropped. she quickly closed and said "so his point is to take over the world, and for that he needs us. boy, does he have issue." she walked out of the water and twisted the water out of her hair. then she looked down at her sodden clothes. she inhaled slightly, okay, taking water from something doesn't take too much energy. she got ready to withdraw the water. still, i better not risk it.... memories of the previous day flooded into her head. besides if i minipulate water, they would probally be able to find me faster. she sat down glumly. she glanced up "i hate not being able to minipulate water," she said again as she sighed.
jade exited the forest. she ended up in front of large palace of some type. jade looked up, way up, at the gigantac towers. wow! these people really know how to build stuff.
ooc: did this place die??? nobody said anything oh by the way i gtg at 10:40 my time. other words in 20 min bic: jess lloked up from the vewing portal. "brother?" she said. "is he like your flesh and blood brother or does he just call you that?" ooc: awws now i have to create another evil character... later though not 20 min anymore... 5 min.... probably nobody is gonna reply but i will stay here anyway... okay no more time... night ^^
i have to get off my mom is making me