ooc: im alive! bic: jess wheeled around quickly. she thought she heard a scream coming forom the base of the mountain
ooc: okay i am back on... and apparently nobody else is... bic: Yuai glanced around looking for something to do... what was this stange power surging through her veins?
ooc: flys back a few feet then tackles again, ooc ooc: i gtg, my mom is hovering over me... i will be back on asap
ooc: *tackles riku terra* last surviving cookie! ooc ooc: evil parents! i have to get off soon to eat and when i get back on it is really late
ooc: welcome clouds buddy^^ ooc: the other person veiwing this tread left
ooc: we have very weird brothers... ooc ooc: hello people veiwing this thread
ooc: eeeeevvvvvviiilllllllllllllll! my brother too the only anime he will watch is naruto... ooc ooc: and to think this all started because Riku Terra ate my cookie... ooc ooc ooc: wows a lot of people are veiwing this thread
ooc: yayz! seriously a lot of people i know don't watch bleach is kindof annoying actually... ooc ooc: *falls over though doesn't notice* trying to work around summoning a normal gaurdian
ooc: but... but... but... sits down in a heap on the floor, arms crossed angrilly. though working silently on new evil plan i don't wanna summon a normal guardian........ thinks glumly
ooc: ashes form together to create a black charred poison cookie ooc: i edited last post fyi
ooc: *poison cookie crawls out of trashcan now instead of huge in mini peices advancing on the guardian* mwahahahaha! you can't kill poison cookie the only way to destroy it is to eat it! ooc ooc: i have no idea whyi thought of this but do you watch bleach?
ooc: i said maybe... *ground rumbles and another gaint cookie appears!* behold the ultimate weapon... meet poison cookie!
ooc: *ponders thought has evil plan*... maybe........ ooc ooc: nice avvie
ooc: *giant cookie squeals and runs away* "NOOOOOOO! get your lazy butt back here and kill the cookie killer!" *giant cookie turns at cookie killer fire in his chololate chip eyes*
ooc: that is fine. ooc ooc: giant cookie walks toward the other guardian... ooc: wow i must really, like cookies
ooc: i am a her... ooc ooc: *summons one of her own guardians, it is shaped like a giant cookie* attack!!!!!!! moves forward slowly dropping chocolate chips like bombs
ooc: "b--b--b--but..." *begins to sob gets up and starts tackling guardian screaming: "you kill cookies you kill cookies! cookie killer! die!"
ooc: *eyes are hearts* my own cookie army! everything i've ever wanted!" there are too many for an army must eat some to deminish numbers... *cookies back away slowly*
ooc: all cookies i summon thee! *hundreds of thousands of cookies coming* it worked?
OOC: my cookie! second cookie dead!