ooc: giant cookie is seen coing into veiw.eery step makes ground shake... mwahahahah! this giant cookie is bigger.
ooc: in a giant bowl of cookie batter! swims through rejoicing in her luck ooc: what??????????????????
ooc: now summoning giant cookie from other rp!
ooc: cookie thief?! spins around and tackles xendane before he could lay a finger on a cookie *can hear thoughts ooooh, what now?*
ooc: yes yes
ooc: *runs toward cookies all run from evil cookie maniac*
ooc: *tackles xendane again* my cookie crumbs!
ooC: YOUZA DEAD NOW? *smiles mischieviously* mwahahahah! all cookies shall be mine!
ooc: nnnneeeeeeeeeeeevvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woah *taking time to admire long word* ooc ooc: have to get off in 10 min....... EVIL PARENTS
ooc: *eyes water tears turning to steam as lands in cookie guardians good arm* my giant cookie! poor poor giant cookie. anyway compasion time up! launch me to cookie batter! dead is honored... can i eat cookies now?
ooc: *falls faster* NEVER! my cookie batter! i summon thee giant cookie! protect cookie batter and rescue me from the sky so i can eat it all and create more cookie minions for you! wow u must have been really loney while she was gone...
ooc: now he is destroying perfectly good cookies! *sobs*
ooc: i have no idea, *is on fire* nnnnnnnnooooooooooo! cloud's buddy is stealing my cookies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ooc: COOKIE! he stole all my cookies... actually riku terra did but then he stole them from him...
ooc: ccokie cookie cookie cookie cookie cookie cookie cookie cookie cookie cookie cookie cookie ect....
ooc: you just enjoy making me mad am i right? ooc ooc: still floating looking for somewhere to land running out of oxygen hey rikku terra r u on?
ooc: can't tell cuz of STUPID INVIS MODE! ooc ooc: i just realized something... i am still flying somewhere in outer spce.
ooc: im back only took 3 min... Devil's angle is visiting her family in ca where did riku terra go?
i dunno, gotto go pick up the table, left my popcorn there don't be surprised if i don't say anything for like 5 min
ooc: she wasn't at school probably sleeping r traveling... can't really type in the car