"i heard a scream," she said sheathing her sword
ooc: fine then *gets off* COOKIE! *tackles again* bic: jess brought her sword up to block herself from an imcoming blow from someone ahead of her
hey people im back on... hello fello weirdo's
okay, that is fine with me
ooc: O.o ya probably not..... idea!!!!!!!!!!!!! ooc-ing and rping *tackles Xendane and looks for chocolate* i have no chocolate in this house and i am craving chocolate! bic: jess cocked her head looking deeply into the dimly lit cave in the side of the mountaoun. why is it lit? she took a step forward ooc: hey u changed ur siggie and your avvie
talk here... im weird and proud of iT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! back in 30 min MUST WATCH BLEACH!
ooc: *tackles and steals cookie* nummy ^^ *finishes eating it then tackles again looking for chocolate O.o*
ooc: i don't mind
ooc: kay byez
ooc: ^^ YAH ITS MARIA! *glomps*
OOC: *lands on a planet full of snakes screams faints falls over* (i am deathly afraid of snakes by the way)
OOC: 5 4 3 2 1 0... BOOM!
ooc: *breathes fast soft ticking coming from cookie screams throws cookie and runs in circles* IM GONNA DIE IM GONNA DIE IM GONNA DIE IM GONNA DIE IM GONNA DIE...
ooc: *examines cookie as if it were poisoned* something must be wrong with it... *gulp* what if riku terra is being possed by a crazy deranged person!?!?!?!?!?
ooc: hello to all of u peoples,.
SOMETHING HAS HAPPENED! ooc: *tackles riku terra and steals all cookies!* actually i feel in the mood of chocolate, *tackles again and steals all chocolate, begins eating the cookies & chocolate O.o* YAYZ! u out of invis mode :D
can i join? NAME: yuai AGE: 16 LAND: Arakystar POWER: earth, water, accelerated healing, ice, summoning, and teleportation (i think that is on there...) WEAPON: in pic PERSONALITY: sarchastic funny and intelegent. she never gives up, which probably causes most of her injuries. FAVORITE QUOTE: i have no idea (that is not her quote) PAST: N/A APPERANCE: http://photobucket.com/mediadetail/...irl.jpg&searchTerm=anime fighter&pageOffset=5
ooc: eeeeeeeeeeeeevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllllllllllllllllllll cloud! making me stare at the one true joy in life and not allowing me to have it... eyes water. curse you! evil parents got to get off.
ooc: evil parents got to get off
ooc: man i have the worst luck in the world.