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  1. Cloud.Strife.
  2. Cloud.Strife.
  3. Cloud.Strife.
  4. Cloud.Strife.
  5. Cloud.Strife.
  6. Cloud.Strife.
    Hey dude, welcome to KH-Vids.
    Profile Post by Cloud.Strife. for Vitra, Jun 27, 2011
  7. Cloud.Strife.
    Who, on this site, who HAS played every KH game, DOESN'T want KHIII?

    Honestly, like Brit said, the Xehanort saga HAS gone on for long enough, and I think the fans are itching to see something BESIDES a 3rd form of Xehanort in KHIII, I mean, come on Squeenix. Seriously?
    But, we just got to trust that they will do their job right when it comes to KH3, like they have with all of the other games.
  8. Cloud.Strife.
    Welcome to KH-Vids.
    Follow the rules, don't flame or troll, blah, blah blah, blah blah blah blah, blah. [/boringintro]

    Nah, seriouously, welcome. Name's Cloud.Strife., I've been here for nearly a year :D
    Post by: Cloud.Strife., Jun 27, 2011 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  9. Cloud.Strife.
  10. Cloud.Strife.
    Profile Post

    so what's up?

    so what's up?
    Profile Post by Cloud.Strife. for SonGoku, Jun 25, 2011
  11. Cloud.Strife.
    Profile Post

    lol, sorry bout' that.

    lol, sorry bout' that.
    Profile Post by Cloud.Strife. for SonGoku, Jun 25, 2011
  12. Cloud.Strife.
  13. Cloud.Strife.
  14. Cloud.Strife.
  15. Cloud.Strife.
    You're BEGGING for it now.
    Profile Post by Cloud.Strife. for SonGoku, Jun 25, 2011
  16. Cloud.Strife.
  17. Cloud.Strife.
    Profile Post

    Wassup best bud?

    Wassup best bud?
    Profile Post by Cloud.Strife. for Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta, Jun 22, 2011
  18. Cloud.Strife.
    Profile Post

    Not you too!

    Not you too!
    Profile Post by Cloud.Strife. for Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta, Jun 10, 2011
  19. Cloud.Strife.
  20. Cloud.Strife.