But I'm eating right now, so hold on.
You bet bud. I accept the challenge that I issued!
You do the conditions, it's been a while since I last dueled.
That means alot to me man. Thanks. Up for a VM Duel? By the way, is there a Kingdom Hearts/Yugioh Dueling thread?
Nah, I'm not leaving, I jsut want to know what my best friend WOULD do, so I can sue that as a reason in the far future.
Hey dude, welcome to KH-Vids.
Who, on this site, who HAS played every KH game, DOESN'T want KHIII? Honestly, like Brit said, the Xehanort saga HAS gone on for long enough, and I think the fans are itching to see something BESIDES a 3rd form of Xehanort in KHIII, I mean, come on Squeenix. Seriously? But, we just got to trust that they will do their job right when it comes to KH3, like they have with all of the other games.
Welcome to KH-Vids. Follow the rules, don't flame or troll, blah, blah blah, blah blah blah blah, blah. [/boringintro] Nah, seriouously, welcome. Name's Cloud.Strife., I've been here for nearly a year :D
Hey, what would you do if I left KH-Vids?
so what's up?
lol, sorry bout' that.
Sorry dude, but I don't put up with any of that bull crap. How bout we call a truce, then?
You know what? Just shut up, dude. You've got no freaking respect, and you need to earn some, especially for someone who's been here for way...
Yup. This guy SonGoku is BEGGING for trouble.
You're BEGGING for it now.
im borrowing my friends copy of Y.G.O. gx duel academy its good
Wassup best bud?
Not you too!
I ahte people when they go emo/depression...
To me it does. I've had something like 6 friends dip into depression, and only one came out (Thank God, Jaden.) So, yeah, it does.