I just checked your bio, and you are NOT misunderstood! also check post below.
Dive to Heart is a possibility, or maybe the Keyblade only appears when needed, and when it isn't it just isn't there, or anywhere. I think that was the deepest thing I have ever said in my entire time on KH.
I do own KHII Volume 1, and I've read KH2 Vol 2, but none others, except for the CoM series.
Let's see.... I geuss it would have to be keep flying above Sephy's head in circles, let him hit me, then recover and take out a life, then heal, then repeat :D.
Someone duel someone already! Brooklyn, you up for one?
Alright LP:8000 God Cards: No Customs: Yes Video Game Exclusives: Yes Anime Exclusives: No Manga Exclusives: No Handicaps/etc:N/A First...
Geuss what, Jaden? I made a forum for all Yu-gi-oh fans, and I invite you and Latias to be Admins!
O.O I was just going to Penguin Soldier and Sent Blue Eyes Flame back to your hand, but... This works too?
That was your 3rd White Stone, Latias, you're all out. And your plan will be foiled by one of the weakest monster cards in the Dueling Kingdom. Keep going, however.
Continue Latias.
Activate trap card Magic Jammer. Discard Necro Gardna
It was a joke? Lol? Seifer said that to Roxas in KHII, it was just. Made your move?
Nice job against Xaldin, Barrel behind the door, who would've thought?
No, continue.
Nice comeback there, brunette. I so can't do it like Serifer...T.T
Lol glad to see you aren't emo anymore. Hey, think you can awnser a Yugioh Question to the best of your ability?
Your move, Carmine.
*shrugs* Either way, it got rid of that card. You see Carmine, I may play old-school, but I know enough of this game to think of about 30 ways to get around that Woboku card and get THAT *points at Blue Eyes Flame Dragon* out of my way. But enough talk. It's my turn, still. I set one monster. Then I place two cards facedown and end my turn. Field: Hand:2 Your move, Carmine.
just dueling. you?
Back at ya, Reshiram.