Not much, just working out, listening to music.
Still pretty creepy.
Thanks? Lol Yours is a little weird, though, but better than that bleeding eye... *shudders*
O.o He's sneering. Most people find that just a bit creepy. But, alright then. Lol?
It's of Reno from Final Fantasy VII's movie.
Hey, why haven't you registered on the site?
On the subject of Time: They each had their own timeline, so that will answer why Aqua got there after Ven and Terra. On the keyblade thing: My guess is that they were there because Terra and Ven were already gone by then, and maybe that's where they're Keyblades resided. I think it's safe to say that time does not reside in darkness, therefore, no time passes.
Don't we already have enough characters in KH? I mean, with Sora, Roxas, every member of the Organization, a bit of Riku during the final Xemnas battle, and even King Mickey! I mean, Kairi would be fun and all, but where are we gonna put her? In some small time slot in the game? There's really no point in just throwing her in there for some enjoyment. I mean, all in all, no. Sorry.
Lol thanks
Lol that sucks... I hoipe they end up joining soon
I'm bored, what are you up to? Thanks for telling Terra btw. I just gotta grab Styx and Italichives.
I invite you to my new Yu-Gi-Oh forum for honest, true duelists. Do you accept?
Thanks, I appreciate it.
Glad to have another member aboard. So what's up? (By the by, can you get the link out to the honest and not cheap duelists of the arena? I can't...
Hi Thanks, Same, though without the heart.
Sorry wrong address.
Wow man, that means alot to me.
Nah, jsut joking, glad you're back to normal, happy Jaden.
It better be nice, I poured my heart and soul into that thing for 3 days.