Well, I geuss I should do mine. Me/Aigavlov- I'm a blind swordsman with waist-length long hair and a 13 feet long bustersword. I come from a distant land which I have no memories about. I am a mercenary for hire who will do anything that is asked of him. He has a calm, cool personality and he hardly ever flys into a rage. Gakashi- Aigavlov's younger brother, a green-haired ninja with extreme mental and physical capabilities, He's kind and gentle, but ferocious when his rage has bubbled past his control. He's on his way to find Aigavlov, because the two hate each other.
Yupsers! anyway, seriously, what's up?
I was thinking "OhgodIknewthiswouldhappenIreaditinthebookbutIdidn'tthinkit'dbelikethisBWAAHHHH"
Ugh, that Wrackspurt repellant didn't work at all... Lol, what's up?
You're right, the "O" throws everyone off. Izeny, then!
Lucky! Anyway, hey, I'm Cloud.Strife. Whats that name mean anyway?
Yeah, you do xD Anyway, what's up?
Sucks he dies, though.
Izeno! That's it!
I can tell you're a H.P. fan.
How do you log in with that name?!?!
And your avatar..... So I can't call you dude anymoar.... NICKNAME-THINK-OF-TIME!
So I hear you like Cloud?
Hey Luna! Long time no see! See any good Wrackspurts lately?
I just found out you were a chick....o.O
Hey man! Long time no see!!
Now you ignore me :( Just joking.
Luxord. Who doesn't like a awesome gambler guy?
Hey .Link! What's up?
I wasn't ignoring you, I just had to go. ;) Anyway, you use alot of hearts in your posts, don't you?