Something tells me that this would so very...completely...undoubtedly own if it was a roleplay. Which I think would be a pretty good idea, since so many members want to be in it...including me. 83
... Didn't want to show up? Ahahahahaha. No, sorry, you just didn't dedicate any thought in incorporating(or improving) any of the effects in this banner. And as for the "Sucking at making siggys?" you've already stated that you made this in about a few minutes. making quality graphic art requires patience, and consistence, instead of posting half-assed banners and wondering why it's getting such bad critique.
*Zooms* >DD How the hell can you get faster than you already are? xD;
This one's online, in case you don't want to go downloading software. o.o
Oh snap, It's heating up now. o.o
ooooooooo:! *Zooms in*
xDDDD You're quite...the popular one. 0w0
xDD I'm currently lolling at that orgy thread. You guys are nutters. xP
This is some quality ****, nigguh! *Vows to upload the video later* :3
...*Get's camcorder out.* 83333333333333
Then magically wish them away. :333333333333
... That's gotta be one of the most disturbing pieces of artwork I've ever seen. xDD Anyway, the concept you've got going there is awesome. It would be seriously cool to be a character in this. o.o
XD; Well, at least it's... Um...standing out.
xD; Same here. It's all like...Purple...ish.
Haha. Sounds like bliss. xD
xD Noobs. We're 7 hours into the new year already. We English chaps are fabulous, and love our GMT timezone. ;3
... Yes. O: So Very Fun. It's like a classic retro game. xD xDD That sounds very pleasant.
Metal Slug United Kingdom. xD It was back when I was young, I used to have an obsession with that game. <3~ But then I got bored of it, so I...
Haaaaaaaiiiii! 83 n_n;
Oh...Right. xD