Get up, Lestat demanded now, and Edward's head snapped forward against his will, the rest of his body soon following till he barely stood, his back hunched over. You're not very happy with me, are you, Edward? Lestat continued. Or... He smiled, running his slim, white fingers through Hannah's hair again. Is it just me touching her so much that's angering you the most?
"Hush, my dear," Lestat murmured. I can kill him now if you wish, he thought to John. I don't even have to touch him.
Enough! Lestat snapped harshly in Edward's head, tearing a new gash across the scars in the werewolf's healed mind. Get on the ground. Edward did just that, falling to his kees, holding his head between in hands, swallowing a cry of pain.
"You heard her," Lestat muttered. "Let her be."
"She's very content where she is now, Edward," Lestat smiled, holding Hannah a little tighter as her tears fell on his shining vest.
Lestat smiled, glad he had not told John of Edward's closeness. He rubbed Hannah's back carelessly when he felt her shudder against him.
Lestat nodded briefly, his smile spreading. He pulled Hannah's hair lightly, his fingers still entwined in it, making her look into his eyes. "You should stay here, my dear," he whispered. "Edward is already gone."
"Shh," Lestat whispered to Hannah, looking up at John. Do you want to taunt him to the point of ripping you apart? he asked dangerously. It's not the best idea.
Lestat gave John a soft look, his arms around Hannah, running his fingers through her hair. "I'm sorry, love," he soothed. "But I cannot argue with John, however wrong he usually is in these instances. You must feel awful... La petite fille pauvre," he added softly, his French slipping out in a whisper.
Lestat frowned, thought his pointed teeth still showed. "Oh, don't make her cry," he muttered, going to put an arm around Hannah. "Ah, mon cherie," he sighed. "It's not so bad."
"Oh, you didn't need to tell me that," Lestat crooned, his voice low, leaning his left shoulder casually against the nearest tree. "Your girl's lovely eyes are ordering me more strongly than you ever could."
"I can kill him if you'd like," Lestat murmured, stepping out of the shadows. He pushed his hair back, taking a ribbon out of his waitcoast pocket and tying a neat ponytail. He straightened the lace against his sleeves and smiled. "Hello, Hannah," he grinned. "Don't look so stunned. You're going to make John jealous, dear."
Hate to tell you, Lestat began, but he's nearby... he won't do anything, though; he thinks I can't hear him!
Very cute, Lestat muttered at John, letting himself drift nearby the two. Aren't you both so sweet together?
Do it, Edward, Lestat grinned, purposefully ripping his voice painfully through the werewolf's mind. You feel it, don't you? There's too much emotion in your body, and it triggers your instincts when the full moon is weeks away... it's odd, how the venom in your blood reacts to more than moonlight: love, hate, anger, frustration, helplessness... He laughed.
The world is changing, the way we evolve is different... Lestat mused to himself. That girl isn't like me... Hannah and her friend differ... John and I are opposites in some ways... Sometimes I wonder if I should have stayed and died buried under that old house in New Orleans... the jazz music will change, the streets will become new, and I shall never go with them... He smiled to himself, pushing away any inch of self-pity. He told himself not to think about it... I am here for a reason... he assured himself. To help or condemn yet, I do not know... but we shall see... John is more entertainment than I've had for fifty years...
Enjoy yourself while you can, Lestat smirked, hearing John's connection with Hannah, the words reminding him of Louis.
Human? No, Lestat answered shortly, his fingers drifting across the air in front of him as if a piano stood there in his way. He could almost hear the notes in his head...
Lovely, Lestat crooned. I'll be watching. Oh, he added, the venom and twist coming back to his tone, I had an interesting breakfast this morning... you'll see what I mean next time you see Hannah... or her group for yourself...
Lestat sighed, swallowing a smile. You know very little, John, he replied kindly. Do not torture her too much tonight; I can convince him to let her go, but if she comes back damaged, I cannot... no, I will not stop him.