Don't let her come! Lestat snapped in Edward's head desperately. "You should let her be, John," Lestat muttered aloud, catching the vampire's eyes, piercing him with his own. "He will not let her come. And besides, I think you're both frightening Miss Angelyn. Will's not doing much to calm her."
"I wouldn't call what I do natural at all," Lestat smiled in his French, luxurious way. "But all the same, I think she enjoyed it. I'd be careful around those carriages," he added, stepping lightly after them. "Life will not be fun if the werewolf and the vampire hunter are uspet together."
"You could say that, monsuier," Lestat replied. "Forgive me, but..." he began, grinning, "but her name has slipped my mind... ah, yes: Emily. I take it you will not be missing her."
"John is an amazing healer," Lestat began dramatically, stepping out of the shadows by the group. He flourished a quick, gentlemanly bow at Will and Angelyn. "You'd be surprised how many beatings he can take. Le très fort homme," he added in French. "A very strong man."
They're waiting in the trees... I'll go to them... Lestat told Edward, and then left.
Indeed it is, Lestat thought to himself Edward, he began, though he knew the man was sleeping. Edward... you need to get up and tell Hannah what's happening.
Lestat sighed to himself, suddenly stopping in the middle of the trees, sorrow creeping up on him. He cursed aloud, spun on the spot, and ran off into the trees, in search of nothing in particular but the darkness.
Edward... Lestat began in the man's mind, despite not wanting to interrupt. No, don't tell her yet, he added qucikly, feeling Edward want to speak to Hannah. John's got a girl... her name is Angelyn and he says she's for Hannah. I don't understand completely, but you should know. Will creates vampires... he collects them. They won't come again until the next evening, so do not worry her with the information till you're ready.
Oh, I'd hate to ruin this moment... Lestat sighed, just alongside the carriages. Maybe I should wait...
That's my que, Lestat thought, and jumped from the tree's branches, floating silently into its shadow to drift along toward Van Helsing's carriage.
Lestat smiled to himself. That's one feeling I've rarely experienced...
He's a collector, Lestat thought, shuddering. That's just disgusting.
Ah, I see, Lestat thought to himself. He's a bit smarter than I thought.
Lestat smiled. You must have the smallest, most tolerant stomach in the world, John he laughed to himself. Letting that girl live...
Lestat kept a fair distance, and frowned when he saw the girl. What the hell is John playing at? he thought furiously. Not hungry yet?
That's too bad, Lestat smiled. There's a reason why it's called a Gift, my dear. I'm pretty sure... His voice faded for a moment, a soft breeze instead of a warm, soothing murmur. Yes, he continued. Your John... I mean, just John seems to know this Will as well.. time to go watch the fun. Play nice, you two.
It's an old trick, my friends, Lestat explained in both Edward and Hannah's head. And, yes, I know you both are amazed I can speak to you both at the same time... anyway, Will... was it? Yes, the Dark Gift, it's called. Hannah, you must have heard it, maybe not. All you new generations of vampires are different. But it gives differently to all of us; all the things I can do I learned or just was born into this immortal life with. Lucky for you, I know how to counter that old thing... but it takes much engery, Hannah, dear, and therefore I chose Edward to help over you. No offense intended. But I suggest you talk to your friend about this Will... she's got something to say...
Oh, she did, Lestat chuckled in Hannah's mind now. Don't worry, dear: I shall protect your little Edward from all the... evil vampires around here...
You would have been much better as a vampire, Lestat chuckled to Edward, and then left the man's mind, yawning to himself. Oldest trick in the book, Will... he sighed to himself. It's a good thing I like a few people in that group... it would have been fun to watch them all flounder, though...
You're welcome, my friend, Lestat murmured to Edward, drifting now to sit in the bows of the nearest tree, one knee drawn halfway up to lean his arm on.