What's wrong with it? If you post in the tech section with deets I'll take a peek
cut bc serious (yeah i am a former lj-er and i use words like cut deal) Spoiler in terms of mental health i cannot say this was a banner year, i was and am still coming out from under this weight that's been enveloping me for several months. what troubles me most of all is that it's not like other times where i can tell what's going on and there's some kind of emotional reaction, i've just felt flat and anti-social and like i don't want to do anything but curl up in bed and sleep for a few days. some days it's like i just completely shut off and that scares me, i don't want to do that again. at least when i've been depressed before, if that's even the right word, there was some emotional heart to it, so that i could try to find some solution. but when your brain is just switching off and you're just petering along on autopilot... it's so easy to get trapped there and i don't want that to happen again but even so, the year has had its high points. i'm getting my two year degree in like a week and i'm really proud of that even if it's an insignificant accomplishment when considering the amount of schooling i have ahead of me, both for my chosen career path and because i basically just want to accrue as many degrees as possible. i read some cool books and watched some cool shows and listened to some cool music and did some cool things this year, i was promoted at work, and i generally feel like i'm starting to understand who i am and who i want to be, and maybe it'll be a long time -- maybe forever -- until i can close the gap between the two, but i definitely feel i've taken steps in the right direction. halfway through 2015 i'll be making a huge life change and even if 2014 wasn't great, i'm looking forward to working on myself and treating myself better early in 2015 in preparation
trivia crack
Running is a good way to lose a few pounds! Also it's (almost) free, assuming you have a pair of sneakers and some shorts already. That's why I like the app, it records your pace and your mile times and lets you know how you've been improving, that sort of thing.
yeah from guys like you Nah I just have gotten pretty attached to being small and I don't want to gain weight. I started running when I was a bit depressed and it's a nice way to feel like you're doing something good for yourself and set goals etc etc
Anyone use this app? I went on my first run in a while today and got one of my best times to date (I've been taking a spin class but it's ending so I want to start running again). It's more fun with friends tho and because I have no rl ones I am turning to you dorks let's do challenges and junk together
Can I ask a weird question? How much do you guys expect your parents to spend on you every year? Like not in a spoiled Dudley Dursley way but like how much are you accustomed to? I've been poor like my whole life so when I hear about people getting phones and laptops and TVs and other big things for Christmas it's somewhat mind-boggling. Not trying to make anyone feel spoiled just curious
i was sad and i took a lot of selfies ( this is a cute topic maybe I will write up something better when it isn't 6:45am )
yeah lmao once they got to the Junk Monsters I was outtie this is Kingdom Hearts I AM SO ****ED UP OVER KILL LA KILL HAYA YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW, I BINGED IT THIS PAST LIKE... WEEK... AND I'M GOING CRAZY I'm pretty sure I've yet to play a game that's letterboxed so I'll see how I feel once The Order comes out! ****
jayn all i want for christmas is u
In before the deadline with mere minutes to spare It's Tuesday and you know what that means...! Podcast episode woo. This week podcast hosts @Misty, @libregkd, and @Calxiyn sit down for a super long and super fun episode! First off we cover the release of Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix -- what we're digging about the collection and what we're looking forward to playing -- and its launch event that @libregkd (Nick) attended in California. You can read his full, written account here, or check out some VIP pics, but Nick provides us with a verbal account of both the event and the Kingdom Hearts III footage shown there. After that we move along to the just passed PlayStation Experience event, which celebrated the 20th anniversary of PlayStation. Nick was also in attendance to that, so he was able to give us some firsthand accounts & perspectives on titles like Street Fighter V, Yakuza 5, Uncharted 4, God of War 4, Drawn to Death, Grim Fandango, Bloodborne, No Man's Sky, Amplitude, and The Witness. @Misty also sticks her fingers in her ears to any negative press about The Order 1886, surprising no one. We also address the leak of a Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster on the PS4 and the possibility of the Kingdom Hearts remasters receiving similar treatment. We skip over user-submitted questions this week because we had a content-filled episode, but we do answer a quick Table Topics about our lifelong heroes! Please every one listen to and enjoy the episode, and let us know what you think in the comments! View attachment 40933 Download Episode #74 (MP3) Subscribe to us on iTunes or through our RSS feed Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to podcast@kh-vids.net!
make good choices
I'm not sure that it is being rushed exactly but I do think they have taken a much harsher stance about FFXV in the last year than a lot of people believe. I mean, it essentially looks like Nomura was forced off of the project for starters so there's a pressure on him to not let KH3 become another Versus. Furthermore, Square's financial situation really just epitomizes to me their poor development practices. It's appealing to have an in-house engine for a lot of reasons but you can accomplish a lot with Unreal 4. The continuous problems with and work on Luminous delayed FFXV to the point where it isn't even running completely on Luminous. I don't know much about game engines but I imagine that Luminous games would be difficult to port to XBONE. If Unreal makes that and other work easier for the team then I think that's great. The only valid concern people raised when the switch was announced was the look of the game, which they've said they have successfully ported over. Square for a long time now has had to look at what the West is doing right an incorporate that into their business and their games. FFXIV 2.0's success was based around that, and if KH3 is going a similar route, I'm pleased.
I just bought Mirror's Edge too, during the female protags sale.
If you post on a site like tumblr and tag the post properly you may be able to just do it privately, or find a Bleach or manga forum that allows buying and selling posts. Using a site like eBay or Amazon has its drawbacks but it also protects you from things like chargebacks, so you may consider just making a new eBay account and using that.
This is a style issue with the avatar editor and therefore won't be resolved (KHV8 will be replaced and I'd rather divert my time to that rather than fixing old issues). For the time being, the easiest solution would be to crop your avatar into a 200px by 200px version (or other square dimension) and simply use that.
KH-Vids staff member @libregkd attended the Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix Launch Event in California last week and wrote up a great, detailed report of what went down there. Unfortunately attendees were prohibited from taking photo or video of the Kingdom Hearts 3 goodies show there or the fan video, and we're still waiting on Square to share the former with us poor unfortunates who could not attend. Happily, event VIP @DangostreetGames took a ton of photos throughout the event and was kind enough to share them with us! You can check out his imgur album with captions below, and get a taste of what it was like to be there yourself.
Hey there, and welcome to our General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts section! While this section contains the disclaimer that spoilers will be rampant within, we do want to remind our members to be courteous of those who have yet to finish certain games or who are trying to remain unspoiled for upcoming titles. For that reason, we'd like to do a quick tutorial on how to hide spoiler content on our site. Hiding large blocks of text For large block of text that needs to be hidden, our standard SPOILER tag will serve you well. To use it, simply highlight your text, use the Insert button our post toolbar (between the Media and Save Draft buttons), and select spoiler. From there, a tooltip will appear, giving you the option to title your spoiler. It will appear as such: Spoiler: Kairi's letter to Sora Thinking of you wherever you are. We pray for our sorrows to end and hope that our hearts will blend. Now I will step forward to realize this wish. And who knows: Starting a new journey may not be so hard, or maybe it has already begun. There are many worlds, but they share the same sky - one sky, one destiny. For those who prefer to type out their code or who have disabled the rich text editor, here's the code for a SPOILER tag: Code: [spoiler="Kairi's letter to Sora"]Thinking of you wherever you are. We pray for our sorrows to end and hope that our hearts will blend. Now I will step forward to realize this wish. And who knows: Starting a new journey may not be so hard, or maybe it has already begun. There are many worlds, but they share the same sky - one sky, one destiny.[/spoiler] Or without a title: Code: [spoiler]Thinking of you wherever you are. We pray for our sorrows to end and hope that our hearts will blend. Now I will step forward to realize this wish. And who knows: Starting a new journey may not be so hard, or maybe it has already begun. There are many worlds, but they share the same sky - one sky, one destiny.[/spoiler] Hiding a small block of text If you only need to hide a few words in your post, and therefore don't wish the use the block-style SPOILER, you can give our HIDDEN tag a try. It will appear as such: Soylent Green is people. When clicked, the hidden text will reveal; when clicked again, it will hide itself again. Pretty nifty, right? The code is simple to use! Code: Soylent Green is [hidden]people[/hidden]. You can get pretty fancy with this, too, by specifying custom colors for each tag. Axel is my favorite Organization XIII member! Code: [hidden=crimson]Axel[/hidden] is my favorite Organization XIII member! Soylent Green is people. Code: [hidden=4059DA]Soylent [/hidden][hidden=098ADC]Green[/hidden] is [hidden=21DF9A]people[/hidden]. Post onwards, and remember to be courteous of your fellow members -- nobody wants to be spoiled without their consent!
[spoiler="Kairi's letter to Sora"]Thinking of you wherever you are. We pray for our sorrows to end and hope that our hearts will blend. Now I will step forward to realize this wish. And who knows: Starting a new journey may not be so hard, or maybe it has already begun. There are many worlds, but they share the same sky - one sky, one destiny.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Thinking of you wherever you are. We pray for our sorrows to end and hope that our hearts will blend. Now I will step forward to realize this wish. And who knows: Starting a new journey may not be so hard, or maybe it has already begun. There are many worlds, but they share the same sky - one sky, one destiny.[/spoiler]
Soylent Green is [hidden]people[/hidden].
[hidden=crimson]Axel[/hidden] is my favorite Organization XIII member!
[hidden=4059DA]Soylent [/hidden][hidden=098ADC]Green[/hidden] is [hidden=21DF9A]people[/hidden].
Welcome to the Kingdom Hearts Help section! This sticky is here to help you get your bearings in our Kingdom Hearts themed sections and make sure everyone has a smooth experience on our forums. Before posting, make sure you give our site rules a read. The rules outlined there, such as restrictions on double posting, remaining on topic, flaming and harassment, etc., apply here too! The Kingdom Hearts Sections Are Big and I Am Very Afraid It’s okay, we’re here to help! We’ve tried to organize our Kingdom Hearts sections as intuitively as possible, but if you’re new to the series or just a little confused, this should help you out: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates - Want the latest on the Kingdom Hearts series? Check out this section, where you can discuss the news posted by our diligent reporting team. This section feeds directly onto our homepage. Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX - The first HD collection for the Kingdom Hearts series, this release spans Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories, and Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. Specific discussions for these games or the collection as a whole belong in this section. Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX - The second HD collection for the series, Kingdom Hearts 2.5 includes Kingdom Hearts II, Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, and Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded. Discuss these three titles in here! Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ - The Kingdom Hearts seriesgoes mobile in this title, released exclusively on the iOS and Android platforms. Discuss your journey and look for a party in this section! Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance - The Kingdom Hearts series enters a new dimension in this title, released exclusively on the Nintendo 3DS. Discuss Sora and Riku’s journey through their Mark of Mastery exams in this section! General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts - If you’re looking to avoid spoilers, tread lightly in this section! Overarching discussion of the series and speculation about future titles is found here. This section also houses all threads about the long-awaited and recently announced Kingdom Hearts III! Kingdom Hearts Help - Not sure which world to visit next? Stuck at the brutal Xaldin battle in Kingdom Hearts II? Look no further! In this section, you can turn to your fellow Kingdom Hearts fans for any help getting through the series. If you’re still not sure where to post, shoot a message to any of our staff members, or simply take your best guess and a moderate will move it if necessary – that’s why we’re here! Rules for the Kingdom Hearts Sections No “do you hate this character” threads We love to critically discuss and analyze a character’s place and development in the games, but it shouldn’t turn into blind bashing of them! A good post on the subject might look something like this… Or perhaps… Whereas a bad post might appear as such: Or maybe… Make your post(s) count On KH-Vids, you receive a +1 to your Message Count for nearly every post you make, and because our top posters are rewarded Premium Status, we want to make sure that those counts are earned! Always focus on quality, not quantity, with your postings. Elaborate on your points and ideas, and stimulate discussing by asking questions of your fellow members, or by responding to those posed by others! If your posts lack content and are borderline spam, you will be contact by a staff member! Search before making a new thread We have a great search engine here at KH-Vids, so please use it! It’s possible that your questions about the series have already been answered, or your discussion is on-going. If a thread already exists but hasn’t been posted in for several months or years, you’re still allowed to post in it! Just make sure your post is adding something original and interesting to the discussion. If you come across an old thread you’d like to resurrect but it’s closed, hit the Report button and a staff member will re-open it for you! Flaming, harassment, and reporting content If you notice a thread that needs to be moved, closed, or otherwise moderated, hit the Report button and someone will take care of it! Posting in a thread only to say that it should be moved or closed is considered backseat moderating and will not be tolerated. Likewise, if you notice that a thread is breaking one of our site rules, or that a member is harassing you or someone else, please don’t hesitate to also click the Report button and we’ll put a stop to it! If you have any further questions, please message one of the section’s moderators or post in our Feedback & Assistance forum and we’ll be right on it!
Welcome to the General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts section! This sticky is here to help you get your bearings in our Kingdom Hearts themed sections and make sure everyone has a smooth experience on our forums. Before posting, make sure you give our site rules a read. The rules outlined there, such as restrictions on double posting, remaining on topic, flaming and harassment, etc., apply here too! The Kingdom Hearts Sections Are Big and I Am Very Afraid It’s okay, we’re here to help! We’ve tried to organize our Kingdom Hearts sections as intuitively as possible, but if you’re new to the series or just a little confused, this should help you out: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates - Want the latest on the Kingdom Hearts series? Check out this section, where you can discuss the news posted by our diligent reporting team. This section feeds directly onto our homepage. Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX - The first HD collection for the Kingdom Hearts series, this release spans Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories, and Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. Specific discussions for these games or the collection as a whole belong in this section. Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX - The second HD collection for the series, Kingdom Hearts 2.5 includes Kingdom Hearts II, Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, and Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded. Discuss these three titles in here! Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ - The Kingdom Hearts seriesgoes mobile in this title, released exclusively on the iOS and Android platforms. Discuss your journey and look for a party in this section! Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance - The Kingdom Hearts series enters a new dimension in this title, released exclusively on the Nintendo 3DS. Discuss Sora and Riku’s journey through their Mark of Mastery exams in this section! General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts - If you’re looking to avoid spoilers, tread lightly in this section! Overarching discussion of the series and speculation about future titles is found here. This section also houses all threads about the long-awaited and recently announced Kingdom Hearts III! Kingdom Hearts Help - Not sure which world to visit next? Stuck at the brutal Xaldin battle in Kingdom Hearts II? Look no further! In this section, you can turn to your fellow Kingdom Hearts fans for any help getting through the series. If you’re still not sure where to post, shoot a message to any of our staff members, or simply take your best guess and a moderate will move it if necessary – that’s why we’re here! HD Remix? But I only want to discuss Birth by Sleep! Have no fear! We’re super organized here. Because Birth by Sleep is included in Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX, head on down to that section. From there, you’ll see that threads have prefixes on them, to mark which game they’re discussing. You can click that prefix to list only threads about Birth by Sleep! Rules for the Kingdom Hearts Sections No “do you hate this character” threads We love to critically discuss and analyze a character’s place and development in the games, but it shouldn’t turn into blind bashing of them! A good post on the subject might look something like this… Or perhaps… Whereas a bad post might appear as such: Or maybe… Make your post(s) count On KH-Vids, you receive a +1 to your Message Count for nearly every post you make, and because our top posters are rewarded Premium Status, we want to make sure that those counts are earned! Always focus on quality, not quantity, with your postings. Elaborate on your points and ideas, and stimulate discussing by asking questions of your fellow members, or by responding to those posed by others! If your posts lack content and are borderline spam, you will be contact by a staff member! Search before making a new thread We have a great search engine here at KH-Vids, so please use it! It’s possible that your questions about the series have already been answered, or your discussion is on-going. If a thread already exists but hasn’t been posted in for several months or years, you’re still allowed to post in it! Just make sure your post is adding something original and interesting to the discussion. If you come across an old thread you’d like to resurrect but it’s closed, hit the Report button and a staff member will re-open it for you! Flaming, harassment, and reporting content If you notice a thread that needs to be moved, closed, or otherwise moderated, hit the Report button and someone will take care of it! Posting in a thread only to say that it should be moved or closed is considered backseat moderating and will not be tolerated. Likewise, if you notice that a thread is breaking one of our site rules, or that a member is harassing you or someone else, please don’t hesitate to also click the Report button and we’ll put a stop to it! If you have any further questions, please message one of the section’s moderators or post in our Feedback & Assistance forum and we’ll be right on it!