Two out of the three interludes are a bit boring but I'm Not Angry Anymore is like... my favorite song on the album, in a way, lol. I just feel bad citing it as such because it's under a minute long.
I was big into Paramore in middle school. All We Know is Falling has a special place in my heart for that reason, it's maybe not the most unique or exciting album but I have a lot of nostalgia surrounding it. Riot... was not so good, I blame that on their producer for it, it sounds way too pre-packaged and produced, so I'm happy that Brand New Eyes roughened the edges back up again. Their eponymous album though is incredible, like I said I've been getting back into them and this is the first time I've really listened to it and wow. Standout track for me is definitely Anklebiters but there's a lot of good ones. It's great to be excited to see what they release again!
Is Dante's character very different between past games and the reboot? I've not played any of them.
**** diamonds
Adventure Time's episodes are so short that it's good to have at least a few to watch or it kinda feels like watching nothing lol. There are definitely trades available because I have them! Yeah I think I only have the first volume which was... more or less the movie verbatim. Which is fine! But I'm excited to see what comes after. Damn skippy Despite my undying passion for Blitzball, I understand why people don't like it. The tutorial they put you through is insufferable and it's tough to beat the Aurochs even if you're an experienced player since their stats are just so much better than yours. On top of that, there's no real... excitement to it? You can more or less calculate everything, granted some things are dice rolls etc., but when you've played and leveled enough eventually that doesn't even matter. Whatever I still love it lol I am probably definitely going to watch Gurren Lagann Yeah I mean I am still all ****ed up about Kill la Kill and I do want to discuss my thoughts about it but I'm just trying to get my thoughts in place about it lmao. I think I have a cool idea for it though, I'll see how it pans out, but check out my post to tummer if you didn't see it. I'M NOT A WEEB LIKE YOU GUYS I DON'T KNOW HOW TO SAY THESE THINGS Even though the quality has been ennnnnh the past few seasons I still think everything is worth watching because there are some good episodes (unlike The Office which you can basically skip like 70% of after Michael leaves lol). Everything up to and including Season 3 at least is great though. Technically they have the piano version of the song I'm looking for but they play a different one at the scene I'm talking about. Happily the scene is on the interweb if anyone is curious. You can watch the whole thing or just skip to 1:50 I can talk forever about Empire yo Like I cannot overstate the value of Irvin Kershner as a director because he approached the project as a drama, not as a space opera or action or adventure film. He cared about character and emotion -- while still keeping the action scenes in the movie awesome. That adds a lot here, because the movie could have ended tragically (like Revenge of the Sith did), but if we don't genuinely give a **** with the characters or resonate emotionally with them, it's not going to have the power that Empire did. I hope Abrams takes a similar approach to Episode VII, although since it's the first entry in the new trilogy I'm not expecting it to end like Empire did -- that sort of ending is better suited to the middle of a series since 1) we've already had a chance to root for the characters and get to know them, 2) we already think the characters are cool and competent. A New Hope ending triumphantly is just as important as Empire ending tragically.
That's cool! I watch Adventure Time with my sister so we end up building a few episodes' queue to get through, but I don't have the patience to wait for the season to finish haha. The Adventure Time comics are great, they match the show tonally and art-wise which I was concerned about before I started them. Marceline and the Scream Queens was a great little series that I definitely recommend and I can't wait for Marceline Gone Adrift. I have read some Scott Pilgrim! I saw the movie for the first time a few months ago and fell in love with it so I decided to check out the comics. I think I only have the first volume rn because I ran out of money (not really but I spend a lot during the holidays lol) but it's something I've been meaning to get into!
Oh okay, I definitely recommend going forward! Something Big disappointed me but there are some awesome episodes after that (like omg I think you still haven't seen Breezy? Or am I confusing Something Big's place chronologically with James II...) The parodying thing is also really great yeah! It's never super high brow and superior but it's still a huge experiment in subverting expectations and making you laugh a little at anime. I agree that it did seem at times that episodes were written on the fly and twists were probably not planned very far in advance, and from a writer's perspective that is frustrating, but it also means that every episode can move at a breakneck pace. When we plan storylines in advance sometimes we wallow around in filler which klk basically has none of (unless you count the No Late Day episode that I love). The show was definitely written on a episode by episode basis so some things do come out rushed and handwave-y but it also means that nearly every episode has something big happen. That disappoints me! Like I totally agree that Kill la Kill is all over the place in terms of feminism and its portrayal of women but for all the stuff it royally ****s up, it does a lot right too, and I think it's a shame to not talk about that rather than just ignore it because it has problematic aspects (because literally everything does).
Season six has been really great so far! Don't know how up to date you are. The Cooler was especially great. My only gripe is that Marceline hasn't been in it much yet (iirc her only appearance this season was Princess Day, which I loved) but there's still plenty of time left. Like I said, I haven't really been able to form coherent thought about the show yet given my emotional distress over it, and all of this is subjective of course -- what's powerful to me may not be powerful to you -- buuuuuut Spoiler: all of KLK, major spoils Kill la Kill's alternate title may as well be GIRL POWER THE ANIME, as I understand it this is central to the magical girl genre but I really, really appreciate the varied portrayal of women in the show. It passes the Bechdel test easily (haven't looked episode per episode but given that there's a pretty even ratio of male to female characters -- if actually steeped in the ladies' favor, especially in terms of major characters -- it's not hard for the show) and the multiplicity of female characters allows for the beautiful truth of female characters: they don't have to be Strong Female Characters. The reason the one major female character in other shows, games, etc., has to shoulder this burden of being the Strong Female Characteris because she is the only female character -- so if she's made to be weak, and she is the only (major) female, then that's not so good. But Kill la Kill is teeming with women that none of the characters have to be strong 200% of the time. Ryuko has rage and vengeance issues and has pretty much a metaphysical crisis like twice, but she's snarky and determined and doesn't take anybody's ****, while still developing into a really loving and open person (which is why I loooooooove her relationship with Mako). Satsuki takes "not taking anybody's ****" to the extreme and is basically this Machiavelli/Princess Bubblegum hybrid in a space station bathing suit. She's suffered a life of emotional and sexual abuse from her mother and while I do have some problems with how that's handled, it's still very important to me that 1) it's portrayed, 2) she fights back against it, and 3) it's not magically resolved in minutes -- in fact the show ends very ambiguously in that respect. And then Mako, whose metabolism is as incomprehensible as her family, who goes crazy with greed, who basically sleeps and eats through every one of her classes and is a renown underachiever, but who has this amazing capacity to love people and never let go. There are plenty more ladies to talk about but you get the deal AND TEENAGE GIRLS AT THAT!!!!! Actually, amend my previous statement: let's make it SISTER POWER THE ANIME. You know, tummer, that I have struggled with the whole 'Satsuki and Ryuko are sisters' thing because holy **** did I want them to make out and still do, but I've warmed to the sisters twist (even if it was a lil rushed) just because it's hella cool to have a series about sisterhood and sisters teaming up to fight back against an abusive parent and learn to heal together I felt the whole "nonsense is our thing" thing to be... actually quite profound. The series is obviously heavily steeped in allegories to fascism (I mean it literally opens with Mikisugi discussing Nazism lol) and the defense force that eventually forms between Honnouji Academy and the Nudists represents humanity -- holding onto our ridiculousness and our nonsense in the face of pressures to conform (which is where I'm really pleased they used fashion and clothing as a device since it is so central to the idea of conformity). Ryuko is of course the paragon of this (and I love her for it), while Satsuki really has her foot in both camps. She's discovered she can be incredibly efficient through using a similar tool to Ragyo (clothing and conformity), but begins to slip into an ethical stance that is dangerously close to Ragyo -- and has become completely predictable to Ragyo. Satsuki has to learn to accept some of Ryuko's essence, to embrace her humanity, in order to prosper (which again, I love that the show leaves open-ended). It's simple enough that it fits in with the zaniness of the show but you know me, i can find profundity in everything Now the whole clothing and exploitation of women's bodies is where **** gets shady and I haven't decided where I stand on it all yet... but I'm inclined to defend it. I mean, it's pretty obvious that the show started with 'teenage girls in skimpy outfits' and then they added the lore behind it to justify the decision, rather than the other way around, but they do a decent enough job of giving it a purpose... and if you don't love the relationship between Senketsu and Ryuko idk what to say to y'all. As sloppy as it might have been I really loved the concept of Ryuko 'putting Senketsu on' rather than simply wearing him -- the idea that it's not enough to just know someone and be around them, that you have to open yourself to them, for that's when you can unlock your full power and potential. I love that Ryuko has this troubled relationship with wearing Senketsu, that clothing/life fibers aren't inherently evil, but it's about keeping them in a balance; you can wear them and reap the positive effects, but you can't be consumed by them like Ragyo. It's a relationship that must be kept in balance; eschewing clothing completely (the Nudists) or relying on it entirely (the first Goku Uniforms of the Elite Four) doesn't work. And then of course the Senketsu dying scene / not forgetting the days spent in a sailor uniform thing in the OVA broke my heart This is more minor but I kinda love that none of the characters' sexualities or romantic interests are really explored? My sister isn't one for love stories and she's always on the lookout for shows that don't make it a focal point, and so for a show to have it pretty much not be a thing is awesome. Not only does it leave me free to ship and imagine whatever headcanons I like but it doesn't force them down your throat either. Ignoring my 'not sisters they're lesbians' AU for Satsuki and Ryuko I also really dig aro/ace Satsuki and I think that has a solid basis in the show (not just because she is a victim of sexual abuse) The humor can cross a line and Ryuko in particular is really put through the ringer when it comes to rape-y stuff from like... way too many male characters... but it dies down in the second half and didn't interfere with my enjoyment of the show (though I can totally understand why it would for some). I will say that I'm glad that in most instances (with some notable exceptions), Ryuko was shown standing up for herself soooooo much more to say but I have to sleeeeep Another good one!
I dropped a lot of tunes to check out from this year (or that I just listened to a lot in 2014), so as promised... Misty's Mentioned Music Favorite Albums Released in 2014 How to Dress Well's What is this Heart? (Ambient / Electronic / Hipster R&B) ODESZA's In Return (Electronic / Chillwave ) - Available for stream and purchase through Bandcamp Sylvan Esso's self-titled debut (Electronic / Indie Pop) - Check out the catchiest song on the album, Hey Mami, on Soundcloud Raury's Indigo Child (Hip-Hop / Rap / Folk) - Available for stream on Soundcloud and free download through his website Most Listened to Artists of 2014 Grimes (Electronic / Psychedelic / Dream Pop) Crystal Castles (Electronic / 8Bit / Witch House) Casey James & the Staypuft Kid (Experimental / Electro-Acoustic) How to Dress Well (Ambient / Electronic / Hipster R&B) Vashti Bunyan (Indie / Freak Folk) Bloc Party (Alternative Rock) Raury (Hip-Hop / Rap / Folk) Sabrepulse (8Bit / Breakcore / Chiptune) Most Listened to Songs of 2014 Running Back to Everyone by Kool Music 5 Sun Models (feat. Madelyn Grant) by ODESZA Hives by IBOPA It's Fine, If You Don't Love Me (Live) by Soko Diamond Day by Vashti Bunyan Amor by Raury Words I Don't Remember by How to Dress Well We addressed this in Episode #71. We always go through the lineup in the first minute or two of the episode.
It's Tuesday and I'm actually on time! This week @Misty, @libregkd, and @Calxiyn are joined by @Plums and @KeybearerofSea for special reflection on 2014! As always, we begin with some Kingdom Hearts news and updates, chatting about the possibility of Kingdom Hearts figures in Disney Infinity, as well as the reassurance that we'll be hearing more about Kingdom Hearts 3 in 2015. From there we launch into a reflection on 2014, beginning with the major world news from the year, what games came out this year and what games we actually played, and likewise for television shows, movies, and music! It'd take far too long to list everything here, so have a listen and see what we were into! We then look forward to 2015 and what we're hoping for in the new year. Finally, we answer user-submitted questions from @Eric Luna , @Graxe, and @Highlandeɼ , chat about the toughest bosses in Kingdom Hearts history, and address some community news before we sign off (Castle Oblivion, Secret Santa, forum tidying, and the 9th birthday of KH-Vids). Thanks everyone for the support for the site and the podcast this year! Let us know your thoughts on the episode, what you were diggin' from 2014, and what you're looking forward to digging in 2015. // Download Episode #75 (MP3) Subscribe to us on iTunes or through our RSS feed Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to!
i logged on and saw six alerts and was like the ****'d i do but THANK YOU ALEX
Will probably pick this up. Wanted to play the original release and, despite getting it through PS+ like a year ago, never got around to it. Keep the remasters coming yo, gives me a chance to catch up on everything I missed last gen haha.
Pressure by Paramore rockin' it old school
Have you tried any of the KH1.5 FM videos? Those are the latest recorded (and done by me), and I believe @Karuta is using the same method for encoding the MP4s for KH2.5, so I'd like to know if they're suffering from the same issue! Also, moving this to the Feedback & Assistance section. The KH help section is for help with actually playing the games. :)
I'm pretty sure Bastila is in dual parts terrified and excited the prospect
Wow good luck! Farthest I've ever run was two miles and that's not without stopping. @__@ (this is why i need challenges)
that's called college
baby baby please
all of you done with school can burn in hell i still have another week of this ****
A Low and Distant Sound Gradually Swelling and Increasing from Upstream Color (Original Motion Picture Score)