I have four more days tho
I've never paid much attention to reviews on musical albums (or much anything as subjective as music can be). I recently stumbled upon Pitchfork's review of Sylvan Esso's debut album and got pretty salty about it, since it was one of my favorite albums this year. It wasn't necessarily a bad review, but they panned the album for being generic and called the vocals "languid, sun-weary, and slightly drunk." I'm not pretending this is a ridiculously substantial album, but decrying it for some kind of lack of depth or originality I think is totally uncalled for. It's not the album that's going to change your life or blow you out of the water, and was never presented as such; despite my considering it one of my favorite albums of the year, I don't believe there's some kind of hidden depth to the lyrics or instrumentation here. It's an inoffensive, fun, catchy record, and the review just read to me as "I don't have strong feelings for or against this album so I'm going to give it a bad score for not catching my interest." That kind of self-absorbed, "this album must impress ME because I have the best musical sensibilities out there" is pretty characteristic of Pitchfork, but certainly not all review sites, but is symptomatic, to me, of the emphasis on reviewing every album other than the ones a person really likes. I want to read about how and why a reviewer loathed an album, or how and why it changed their life. Otherwise, it's a fairly useless read. Reviews to me are about sharing experiences and emotions, not endeavoring to pin down an album's objective quality as decided by some rando writer. I feel similarly about game reviews -- I don't want you to review everything because, if you have nothing interesting to say about the game, there's nothing interesting for me to read. I want to read more about human experiences and reactions in "reviews."
I really like the idea of step-by-step updates from the team behind KH3 (within reason, of course). They did a really nice job with Dream Drop Distance of showcasing new features through trailers and such, so it'll be great to see KH3 progressing in the same manner. Plus I love seeing how things evolve up until the final product.
it's my new years resolution to be less of megabitch
I'm familiar with what (most) of the staff looks like and sounds like, but it's always strange to see people talk for me! People have such differing mannerisms that only really come through when you see them talk, if that makes sense. I do actually salute most of the time when I say "have a Kingdom Hearts day" at the end of every podcast. It's weird I know.
I'm beginning to wonder whether this game is too scary for me. ALSO THAT BEST NOT BE ISABEAU'S LIFELESS BODY GALAHAD IS CARRYING
I had to save the best for last. Krowley really blew us out of the water.
Hello everyone! It's Christmas which means it's time for our annual Christmas video! We've teamed up once again with our friends at KHRecharged to wish you all a happy holiday and New Year. I meant to make this post earlier but I was busy spending time with family, which I hope you all were too (or simply with your loved ones)! Thanks for a great year everyone, and don't laugh too hard at us. Except Krowley. You have full license to laugh at Krowley.
dude I loooooove purity ring, they need to release a new album pronto Condition 11:11 by Defiance, Ohio I remember in the kitchen when you told me your grandmother died, that's when I released it gets worse. I want to wish things last forever, won't you thicken my soft skin? You comfort me so and I remember, remember... When I walk through that door, I won't hear the happy sounds anymore. This year took so much away and won't give it back.
Huh okay. Still, I'd check out the model name and see what the deal is, I don't know of many monitors that were released at 1366x768. But if it's older it's a possibility. View attachment 41009
Was it advertised as 1080p when you bought it because I would be doing some returns lol I guess you guys just love me a lot ( hahahahahahahahaha ) View attachment 41008
as if i needed a test to tell me that aqua may as well be my self-insert oc but i guess it's nice to have confirmation
but let's talk about you for a minute
The bbcode is very old and I've been meaning to redo it. Def on the list but not a huge priority.
i been seeing stuff about the ending on tumblr lmao I can't wait to watch it
But see, as I understand it (I obviously have not seen the movie), The Interview is as much "satire" as Family Guy is. The people behind it think that Kim Jung Un is a joke that we get to laugh about. I don't think that North Koreans are laughing about it, and I certainly don't think this movie is about to call its audience to really think about North Korean politics or oppression or the myriad of issues going on there -- it's going to reinforce this image of "haha what is crazy north korea up to today? nuclear threats lol." Like I said, before they pulled it entirely, Sony wanted audiences to be encouraged to look at Kim Jung Un in the movie as a comical figure... which again, he's not really a laughing matter. Satire and critique are beautiful things, but let's not overestimate The Interview. The "we're letting the terrorists win!!!" argument doesn't sit well with me either for a variety reasons. Firstly, I'm not advocating pulling controversial things simply because they may incite a negative reaction, potentially from a dangerous person. The Interview is controversial for the sake of being controversial, not to create any real awareness or discourse or thought. Secondly, there comes a time when we have to consider people's safety, which to me is a hell of a lot more important than my supposed right to see a movie. To borrow from a tweet by Chris Rock, when we take off our shoes at the airport, are we letting the terrorists win? Or are we inconveniencing ourselves in a small way for the collective safety of ourself and others? Of course we need to draw a line somewhere and decide whether or not to let a movie or a book or whatever run... but The Interview isn't, in my eyes, a strong cause to fight for. I'd place it on the other side of the line, in fact. And I'm not about to defend it on principle or pretend it's something it's not.
Part of why I dig the nerd jewelry posted in here is that I just straight up hate gold which makes buying accessories really damn hard (and omg the guilt when someone buys me expensive jewelry and i'm like haha thank u (i'm never gonna wear this))
I'm not at all disappointed by this. True, the "threats" regarding the movie are probably spineless and we can't cancel every movie that deals with controversial topics, but this movie imo was just another trashy comedy that had no real reason to use Kim Jung Un in it. On top of that, it's gotten pretty abysmal reactions from those who have seen it (as in, "this is not even slightly funny"). North Korea is not a joke and treating it as such so that Americans can laugh at the horrific regime that its citizens live under is something I'd gladly not have to sell tickets to. Controversy and the big names involved with it would obviously draw a crowd, but as someone who works in a theater, I'm rather relieved that we're not getting the film. Before Sony decided to pull the plug completely they were actually going to send out guidelines on how we (theater employees) should pitch the movie to our customers for the least amount of offense possible. There's plenty of other great stuff coming this holiday season (Annie!!) and I have no doubt this movie will leak onto the internet or eventually get released on DVD.