Light's one of those guys who you can't tell if he's good or bad. I just can't believe he got outsmarted by a kid... And killed... With a Deathnote...By Ryuke...Cupcake...
jpofjbewjbngohirinum Zombies Hijpmnhderiuhgnuhgdfxwjmim What's going on? jfoermnnftgweuygndkmgrngnbmhynga Clown fart! *smiles*
OOC: Oh s**t taco I think this thread is dying! Nooooo! BIC: Eddy quickly realized something. "Hayden, where was Jet the last time we saw him?"
Based on "Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask". It goes like this: Each of our characters has been transformed by the power of Majora's Mask. We are either Deku Scrub, Goron, or Zora until we turn back to normal.There are three main tasks to complete: 1. Turn back to normal. To do this you must first obtain your stolen instrument. 2. Meet up with all the heroes. 3. Defeat Majora's Mask. After you turn back to normal you will obtain three masks. Any three except the transforming masks, INCLUDING Fierce Deity, Iron Giant, etc. Just so you know You will talk to my character any time you need help my character will answer your questions. Sorta like Shiek in OoT. Now I myself will own all three of the Transforming masks. You can set back time using the Song of tTme but you will have to do everything over again. Anyways... Have fun! OC Form: Name: Age: Played by: Transformation (Zora, Goron, Deku Scrub): 3 masks (After turning back to normal): Instrument: Appearence: Personality: Anything else: _______________________________________________________________________________________ ~OC's~ Name: Xero Age: 12 Played by: XcatisX Transformation (Zora, Goron, Deku Scrub): N/A 3 masks (After turning back to normal): Deku Scrub mask, Zora mask, Goron mask. Instrument: Bass guitar made out of assorted animal bones. Appearence: Personality: Quiet and often lost in thought. But tries his best to help destroy Majora's Mask. He thinks of himself as leaving off where the Hero of Time left off. Anything else: No.
Zeki walked into the briefing room and saluted. He stood there and waited. He was handed the mission briefing and he then sat down to read it. It was a simple task.
True... But I mean c'mon couldn't they at least have the thing dead first instead of making it suffer? Would you do that to a cat or a hamster? Nope. But you would do it to a lobster. Hmph.
Yeah I've always loved animals but somehow they've always liked my brother better. It's weird. Our dogs will always go to him first.
It could be but those few who I know of that have this power have the potential to become great healers because of that ability.
Hehe and that my friend is called karma. Sweet, sweet karma. :laughing-smiley-004
It would depend on the conditions. But Roxas at his full strength would probably own.
Do you believe Auras to be real? It is said that those with extreme phsychic powers see not with the eyes that with have but the eyes of spirits. Auras are invisible colors that surround our bodies which change color depending on: Emotion, Physichal condition, etc. and can often be a blend of colors or more then one. What are your thoughts?
The what of whatey is what now? If you don't know it this is a line from the comic "Calvin and Hobbes" which is about a 6-year-old and his stuffed tiger who he believes to be real. Teacher: Calvin could you answer this math question for the class? Calvin: No but I can recite the entire oath of every member of Captain Nalpalm's League of Justice! Teacher: So, who else didn't do their homework? Calvin: I'm not dumb I just have a plethora of useless information.
Exactly. Don't let her pound your face in but don't fight back. If it absolutely comes to it and there's nothing else you can do, at least fight honorabley and calmley. But I don't suggest fighting at all. Just follow what Vex said.
So true man. So true. Spinelli's done lots like that. If you've read his book Maniac Magee and several others you'd understand exactly what he trys to tell us.
Oooh look at me I can put up my middle finger I'm so scary! NOT!
Well at least it's over then huh? My advice holds true though. Basically: don't worry, be happy :D
"ditch me and we'll never go out again." F**K YOU BI***!!!! Who wouldn't help out a poor sick dying girl??!! Who would be that heartless?! If her final wish was just that and I could do that for her then da** right I'd take the little girl. I can feel tears in my eyes just thinking about it.
Feb. 18. Lucky me.
Ghosts are real. And they are not to be taken lightly.
I know how you feel trust me. Just whatever you do don't let her make you angry if you do it makes you vulnerable for attack with other bullies. It makes people want to get to you and hurt you. And sorry if this makes me sound like a hippie but it lets in a lot of bad vibes and negative energy which you just can't have. Your positive energy acts as a forcefield which keeps the bad stuff out. But every time you get angry even if it's just for a second that barrier is put down and bad vibes get in. Just chill. I'm not saying become an alchoholic or a drug addict but do something to take your mind off it. Chew gum, take up tai chi or martial arts, learn an instrument, whatever you have to do. But don't let your personal barrier get let down for even a second. Oh and no more wall punching 0_0