Hooray! The Dark Knights have lost one of their most powerful allies! The Cookie Element is back with KHV! Oh yeah and TKM is back too. Haha! Try beating us now Dark Knights!
In that case I side with you. The Dark Knights are growing to be much to powerful though!
Then all is lost....
CRAP!!! The Dark Knights have invaded this thread too!?
You too Neku!? You were our last hope!
Where has this magical place been all my life?
I surrender. Think the Dark Knights could use a towel boy?
I suppose. Thanks anyway. But what I really need to do is get his phone number. I have a plan if I can get it.
Other then Crisis Core there aren't many good ones. If you like MGS then try MGS Portable Ops and/or MGS Portable Ops+ or Patapon. Other then that the PSP doesn't have many good games.
Darkwatch basically said not so rough and edgy.
I don't know if he'll take it down. Even if it comes to sueing him, there's no gaurentee he won't put up another one. Me and my friends were gonna try and do something about it but we don't know if it would be a good idea let alone legal.
You're asking me to choose out of all the wonderful games I have played? You are evil. Thus I will only list 3. 1. Super Mario RPG Legend of the Seven Stars 2. Metal Gear Solid 3 3. I Wanna be the Guy
Who would you be? Original or one of the ones that are already there? I would personally be The End. He owned me like a noob. Using his rifle has been a great honor.
0_0 Wow. That would be kinda weird.
Man Repliku even your spamzone posts have to make total sense and be totally perfect don't they? No offense. And just so that this can count as spam... POTATER PIE!!!
Well I'm not sure how long it will last but my neighbor is a total *******, and has been for the last thirty-five years (since my mom was a kid.) So anyways, I have 2 large dogs (Akira and Nina) andmy neighbor (Mike) says they have been barking nonstop lately. It started when my parents got back from vacation. They didn't think he was lying so they thought they owed our neighbors an apology. When they asked everyone, none of them said that our dogs were being a nuisince. Mike has several times called animal control on us and not once did animal control say they were a nuisince. He has also several times told us to put shock collars on our dogs, however in our area there are a lot of break-ins and that's half the reason we have big dogs. We want them to bark if someone's breaking in and not be afraid to because it'll hurt. So not to long ago my older brother was sitting on the deck and he saw a new birdhouse that Mike put up and saw a flashing light on it. When my mom went over and asked what it was about his exact words were: "You didn't put a shock collar on your dog so I did for you." Because apparently this device that is in that birdhouse sends out a wave that hurts any animal within 150 feet's ears (using ultra-sonic soundwaves) whenever it hears a loud sound. It doesn't nesscesarily have to be barking. And we live near an airport so the airplanes set it off too. And it can be set off by any loud sound. Besides him, everybody in our neighborhood has animals. In fact, on the other side of Mike there is a dog named Rudy who has seizures. His owners go to great lengths to keep him calm. So we have been getting signatures for a petition and are getting legal documents from our local vet. And if he still refuses to take it down we are allowed to civally sue him. We only hope that he will take it down when he realizes this is an inconvienince to us, the neighborhood, and all the people who walk their dogs around here.
Certainly. I've been gone for a while so sorry if I'm late replying.
Wow. I never expected some of this stuff. Well I decided I'd put one in so: Me vs The Fear in MGS3. If you lure him out with some poisen food it's really easy.
OOC: Sorry I've been gone so long, I had trouble with my computer. BIC: As they marched along, Zeki continued thinking of what the monster might be.
Wow there are some really good books that you guys are reading. I'm about to satrt a new series called Twilight I believe. It's about vampires. My mom said it was really good. In fact I think there's a thread about it somewhere.