Overall Roxas but I also like Xigbar Demyx and Axel.
Roxas looked at Ven. "Ven? You up for it?"
This thread scares me more every second.
I....I'm not even sure how to respond to this. But yeah it is possible. I mean not supe-scienceiffibly but yeah.
How nice. Ahhh caligraphy a word that is hard to spell. Good times, gooood times.
Banned because......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Because I put a lot of dots in this post.
Memory by Sugarcult
Well while I was playing MGS I thought about something like that actually happening. Like someone would create a giant robot capable of launching nukes. Also the game Pandemic(online game about making diseases and killing off the world) freaked me out when I played it not too long ago. I thought about what would happen if someone did create a deadly disease and destroy mankind. But yeah that's about it.
OOC: Again anyone can control NPC's BIC: Master Hand: "Link? What has happened to my world?" Roxas: "Master hand? I am Roxas and... Master Hand: "Ahh yes. One of the new recruits I called. What were you saying?" Roxas: "Well Sephiroth has unlocked all of the keyholes and we need your help to defeat him. So will you help us?" Master Hand: "Hmmmm...Well I'll make you a deal. If you three can defeat me I will gather as many players as I can to help you. How does that sound?" Roxas: *sigh* "It'll have to do. Ready guys?"
Tough question. It would depend on who I'd be trying to save, who I'd be facing and why, and how much backup would I have? (As in friends and partners.) But yeah I would. If it came down to it I would save my friends no matter what.
"Even so he is probably the only one who can help us!" Roxas said. "But we need his location. Link, you're a veteran to this place right? Do you know where he is?
I liked both. The story catches your eye and keeps you playing while the gameplay is addictive and fun. I really couldn't choose between the two.
Roxas got up. "Well if Master Hand rules this world like Link said then he must have some kind of power right?"
Roxas turned pale. "He...He unlocked...The Keyholes?" Roxas lost his sense of balance and tumbled onto the ground. "We only have one chance. We need master hand."
0_0 I am officially scared of you.
OOC: Sorry I've been gone. BIC: "VEN!" Roxas yelled running over to him and Link. "You okay? I saw the whole thing! I wasn't sure where I was but I saw it."
Roxas looked confused at Terra's question. Then he realized. "Ohhh you mean this guy who looks like me?" He asked pointing at Ven. While the two were talking he pondered what Link said. "Master hand..." He thought out loud.
Roxas saw Link walking away. "Hey! You coming?" He asked.
It's a hard game but I've seen harder. IWBTG hates me :(
Marluxia: More tries then I can remember and several levels and changes to my deck. Ansem: Not too long mybe 10-20 tries. Wasn't as hard as Marluxia.