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  1. TacoGrenade
    Age is a system that really has no meaning. If you are 12 but have the body of a 10 year old you are still considered 12. Why is that? The world may never know.
    Post by: TacoGrenade, Jul 14, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  2. TacoGrenade
    0_0 I never wish to hear of this again. That girl is insane. In the membrane. Insane in the brain.
    Post by: TacoGrenade, Jul 14, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  3. TacoGrenade
    Possible. Doubted. FALCON PUNCHED!
    Post by: TacoGrenade, Jul 14, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  4. TacoGrenade
    Ok dude this is an OK question but... This forum is about real discussions you know? Obviously you're new so Hi I'm Catonis "Catis" I'm a regular around hrere so you might see me around. You should go to the Introductions (or something liek that) Forum and the Rules Forum. Please read those first and have a good time on KHV.

    Post by: TacoGrenade, Jul 14, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  5. TacoGrenade
    The fact that I continuesly forget what I'm about to do.
    Post by: TacoGrenade, Jul 14, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  6. TacoGrenade
    That is just messed up. I don't even know what to say. She has obviously suffered brain damage or something. But you know what I do? Whenever someone does something like that, Just look at 'em reral nice and just give 'em a nice smile. It pisses 'em off and it'll show them that they can't intimidate you. Good luck on your quest and happy days to all fellow good doers, Advice man, AWAY!!!!!
    Post by: TacoGrenade, Jul 14, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. TacoGrenade
    10/10 Your very name is something that nobody hasn't heard of you are no exception!!!
    Post by: TacoGrenade, Jul 14, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. TacoGrenade
    You'd better answer our stupid questions quickly.

    Do you know who the character Geno is?
    If so are you a fan of him?
    Why do I feel the urge to do this?
    What is wrong with me?
    Why is your name Rhyme?
    How come the sky is blue?
    Why do strawberrys have seeds on the outside?
    What is heavier: 100 pounds of feathers or 100 pounds of bricks?
    Are you really a 30-year-old man?
    Am I annoying you?
    Is this my last question?
    Did you get the last question wrong?
    Rap or Rock?
    Post by: TacoGrenade, Jul 14, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. TacoGrenade
    Zeki was about to go in for the kill but his phone rang so he sidestepped Vance's attack and answered it. He spoke for a moment and hung up. He wrote down the names of a few SOLDIERs and handed the paper to Vance. "Here. Round up these SOLDIERs then meet me in the briefing room." He then walked away sheathing his swords as he did so.
    Post by: TacoGrenade, Jul 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. TacoGrenade
    You know it's kinda funny. I'm about medium sized and my two best friends who's names I will not reveal. One is really short and one is really tall. I happen to be the really funny one in our group and so they both want to always be next to me and this happened starting in the beginning of fifth grade... We all just liked to walk around and talk at recess and it's not like it was intentional it just happened naturally but my tall friend always stood to my right and my short friend to my left so one day out of the blue I said: "Cingular, raising the bar." And now it's an every day joke.
    Post by: TacoGrenade, Jul 14, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. TacoGrenade
    After seeing the Parody Rangers on Newgrounds I've been saying this: "Well I have a _________ because ________s kick ass." So it looks like this: "Well I have a bazooka! Because bazookas kick ass."
    Post by: TacoGrenade, Jul 14, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. TacoGrenade
    4 Is A Number!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hulk Smash!!!!!!
    Post by: TacoGrenade, Jul 14, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. TacoGrenade
    Are you f***ing kidding? There needs to be a trhread for this?! Sephy duh!!! 6 foot sword. 'Nuff said.
    Post by: TacoGrenade, Jul 14, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  14. TacoGrenade
    Oh s**t taco you are making me decide??!! You'll tear the world in half!!! But I'd have to say SNES. The classics are too good. Plus Super Mario RPG is probably my favorite game ever.....Geno rules.
    Post by: TacoGrenade, Jul 14, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  15. TacoGrenade
    First ever? Pokemon Red. I didn't even understand the game back then but I still beat it in somewhere around 2 months. If my dad didn't like garage sales I might never have played an RPG ever!!!!
    Post by: TacoGrenade, Jul 14, 2008 in forum: Gaming