Banned for bringing up Sasquatch, XD
Split personality... I've learned in the past day that those are not very healthy.
Hey! Are you new? ^^ Nice sig by the way... (love Zabuza, he kicks a**) EDIT: Ok, you're not new. Sorry :sweat:
Yuffie came running by in the hall. "NONONONO!" Demyx was running after her. "Wait, it's not that bad!" They dissappeared (sp?) around the corner.
o.o Rather sudden, wasn't it?
Banned for liking dogs and for the XXX.....
LALALALALAAAAAAAAAA! *breaks all windows and glasses in room* AHH Crap.
Actually, in CtR's presence, we need to bounce!! :bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce:
........................................ That depends on what kind of girl you are.
Yuffie looked at Sora. Then she turned to Demyx. "My numb..." Demyx grabbed her arm and dragged her down the hall. "Some music will do you good!" "NO! I DON'T WANT TO LISTEN TO YOU'RE SITAR! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....!"
HEY!!! NOT MUCH!! *hits head on table* ........FACE DOWN IS PLAYING!!! *dances*
It's a restaurant..... See you later ^^
Uh...I just randomly typed it. :sweat:
Hey I'm baaaaaack~~ Tennis was cancled so I got to go to Arby's! I never get to go to Arby's so YAY!
Be Right Back!!
All To Blame by Sum 41. I just love that song.
I saw that, good movie! Have fun! Just for the record: Go to the bathroom before you watch it! Sitting through the whole thing while holding anything is very painful, and makes the movie un-fun!
Well, not all girls are like that.
So how is your day going? Speaking to whoever is reading...
Yep, be yourself! And Kairi is definately right! Honest and funny guys are the best if you ask me. 0.o I'm pretty sure she meant the vehicle............OH CRAP MAN WHY'D YOU SAY THAT?!?