Cloudy likey
"Of course you get the girl. Hmph." Xiruk thought of something, then turned into the 5 year old Riku.
OOC- Im tempted to say hes behind the pillar. XD BIC- "Yeah he 17...i mean..." Xiruk opend a portal and appered behind the same pillar Xeno was behind. "Sorry...i paniced!" he whisperd to Xeno.
OOC- Lol i made that up :D and yeah...its way to big. Get a new one please BIC- " not like really years old or anything....hes still 8....i mean 18...."
"Well...your on your own kid! Atlantica, here i come." He walked out of the room. Then he looked back at how sad he looked. He walked back in. I cant leave you. Like this. Im sorry Xeno." Xiruk cleared his throat. "Okay. If you wanna be 18 again, i want you to do what i say.Okay? try to remember what you looked like when you were 18."
"....Oh god. Im in trouble. your about like 7 or 8...uh..okay now remember when you were 17 or 18." Xiruk started thinking. "Oh sh*t..if phenox finds out i did this.." He grabbed his throat. "I got it...ill make myself look like Roxas, ill change my name to Steve...move to Atlanica and never come back...yeah thats it. Ill do that." A dark cloud surrounded Xiruk. He now looked like Roxas[My Avatar].
OOC- Oh what the hell..okay Xiruk is 17 instead BIC- "You can...its just hard to do. You have to concentrate really hard. Its actualy easier to age up. Watch." Xiruks eyes closed and he levitated up about 3 feet. Xiruk aged one year[17 yr old]. He slowly dropped.
"Every nobody can do it." OOC- But hes 17 in your app. thing.
OOC- how did i know he would say that. -_-' BIC- "Oh yeah...i forgot...your a teenager." Xiruk smiled. "We gonna get along just fine." Xiruk started to age down. He was now 16. "Lets go."
only 3 dudes..and 5 girls....D: wait...i might like this.
OOC- XD BIC- "Seriously?" He removed his blindfold. He opend a portal. "We'll go together. He held out his hand." [Lol KH2 ending XDD]
yay :D
i thought it was color. and no i want black
I Is Baka Black mofo's! i have 2 things.[#1 was yesterday] 1.I jumped off my friends Garage, onto his trampoline, and i got so much air and speed, i flew forward and hit the fence. XDDDDDD
Hey! You tricked me! D':
OOC- O_O oh sh*t. Go Phenox! Go! Go! Go Phenox! Woop woop. Lmfao. :lolface: BIC- "Huh?" He turned around. "Oh, hey Xeno...uh yeah. I doubt you would remember him, but my brother Xero, has gone and went to Organization XIII's castle. By himself. He said he was looking for two members....or something." Xiruk ran his hand threw his hair.
Lol huh??
.....Are you calling me an idiot!? lol jk. Uh sure....can i have black?
Xiruk looked for Scarlet and Phenox. "Scarlet!!! Phenox!!!!!" He sighed. "Where are they!?"
A whaty-whaty-what?