whats up dude? How u been?
Flower Power!! Just i dont want no i dont... I want.... Water
*pissed off* i always miss these!!!!!!!!!!! Nobody Name:Xiruk Age:28[ i aged my person down in 3rd] Gender:male Element: Darkness Powers: Darkness? Child Of:Roxas Weapon:Oblivion Appearance:]/IMG] Nobody Name:Xero Age:30 Gender:male Element:Light Powers:Light Child Of:--- Weapon:Oath Keeper Appearance:[IMG] Somebody Name: Drake Age:18 Gender:male Weapon:Big Lexuese hammer thing Powers:...Darkness? Element:Darkness Appearance:
-blink blink-
Hi >:c
okay, time to end this, lol i was on my skateboard today and i tried to impress a bunch of girls, so i tried to bang out a 360 flip then revert out, but when i tried to revert i fell striaght on my face....and got laughed at...D:
wow u change ur name alot.
Hi .
nevermind. :D lol
Bam rolled a joint and smoked it. High, he saw a demon fly over him[it was really a bird] and he shot it repededly and when it started falling to go attack him[droping dead] he ran away screaming, then passed out in some ally way
that was pretty fresh.[lol] what happend to it though? its like...gone. D:
Oh and i g2g. Sorry. D: i will ttyl :D
:D Thank you...again. Lol :D
Thank you very muchh(:
Ohh. I see. And okay! Um...Can you make all the red/orange on him blue and make his shorts a darker gray?
Aww..well thats okay. Atleast one of em made it. :=D: thank youu ::L: and what did u do to his clothes, theyre the same.
you should post them on youtube. and my mom wont let me.=\ and huh?
Oh lol XD
Never! Lol just kidding. Whats the matter?
OOC- Thanks.^-^ Nero was in Hallow Bastion. He was walking around. He wasnt sure what to do with himself. He walked into the Dark Depths[...uh idk if thats what its called...but its where Sora fought Sephy in KH2]He sat on the edge, looking down of what was left of Ansems castle. He let out a sigh. He was angry of his 'friends' at the island. He took out his Mini Uzi and put it to his temple, finger not on the trigger yet. As he sat there, he was scared about killing himself, and at the same time. He thought of going to the islands and shooting all of them. Even his "best-friend". He put down the Uzi and just shot in the air repededly.