Im good...really tired. Just woke up. Hows your Summer been?
g2g take a shower then go to my cousins.
ooc- gotta go. bic- "Demyx..dude im tired. I think im gonna go take a nap. Later man." He spun his drum sticks and they turned back into keyblades. He sliced threw the drums, they dissapered. He made the peace sign and warped to his bed. ooc-see you either, in a couple hours or tomorrow.
-smile- greenbounce
"Demyx! Dude whats up!" He created a dark drum set. His keyblades turned into drum sticks. "LETS ROCK OUT!" ooc- XDDD
ooc- Lmfaaoo bic- Xiruk made a are you kidding me face. "Okay...i really dont care if your Dad's wife..its just you know...its been awhile.."
"I dont see a problem. Because according to my watch, it says you dont have a shirt on. Looks likes it an hour fast.. ooc- Lmao ::L: thanks...gotta go, bye. I walk in. Hi! ::L:
Xiruk got up. He saw a girl walking away. He ran up to her."Hey...i lost my number..can i have yours?"
Roxas' cheek turned red and it started stinging. He rubbed it. "...i geuss i deserved that..but... He summoned his keyblades. He cured Xiruk. Then he warped away to the chair room, he sat in the Thriteenth chair.
....uh....yeah...just an off day going to be one hundred percent honest with you. You know when we got into a fight and split up for a little bit?...Well..I called Kairi...and well....
I will..when you do...that was just a fluke!
ooc- Yupp. And Kkayy bic- Roxas stoped and his eyes widenend.He thought to himself. OH MY GOD! XIRUK'S THE ONE I HAD WITH KAIRI! " son......"
ooc- Xiruk was the one. xD bic- "Saske.? I remember Erix and Xiruk...not Saske. And i only remember Xiruk because he told me...."
That was a fluke..