*Tosses pillow grenade inside bomb-shelter and sets off a cuddly nukeular bomb outside*
His raging homosexuality....
*Stuffs a pillow with a C4 explosive charge, run's away*BURN MOTHER F***ERS*BOOM!*
Can I join as.....The Friendly Nieghbourhood Stalker In Black(I know tha it's already been used but....),please?
Porn could only be accessed via Sony hardware, Master Chief turned emo and later died....
Porn was made illegal.....everwhere, they cut down the tree of hornyness and the world slipped back into the middle ages.
And then Ratchet was pimped by King Kong the BIG DADDY of all monkeys...
Everybody:LIES,LIES,LIES! Me: Death Kitty:Anything involving cats
And flew off into a black whole. (The mini RP's in teh spam zone are amazing)
And I wasn't obsessive about death and the number 42 wasn't the meaning of life, the universe and everything.
And creatures that where male are now female(hey, I got titsXD) and vice-versa.
gargonathAnd Clank
And everything turns back to normal(except for the moogles+pink rabbits), but....
So can you continue the plot then please?
Everybody DIED from.........
But I read latin, therefore I am an intellectual God, And I show no mercy!!!
It's ALIVE!!!
But I survive, therefore I become a god....