I has got a friend....YIPEEE!
Surrender to the darkness that is Kingdom Hearts, embrace it, control it, play it, IT IS COMPLETE!
^Correct, but I'm still Christian <Knows that neither of the lyrics posted before where latin. vHas posted under me.
Ilmfaol X D
Fix'd Has a troubled mind.
Oh yeah, forgot to mention. May I introduce you to one of our forum psychos, *Hippy Jesus*. Just a warning Ashfire don't get the staff angry, goodpie!
Likes magic mushrooms (not the drugs)
Is correct about being incorrect.
^Yessum <Also mixed in a little bit destati v Knows why I'm addicted to latin after hearing both songs.
Go to photobucket then; 1)Upload your sig(if you haven't done already) 2)Copy the code, it should be in the same area as the URL. 3)Come back onto KH Vids and go to the "User CP" 4)Go to "Edit signature" 5)Paste the [IMG] code into the text box([B]NOT[/B] the "Upload Image" section) 6)Live Long and Prosper.
Knows what nothingness is. But I really do want a hug*cries*
Quoted for truth.
Confuses me with her user title.
No but Imma' gonna get my art GCSE's at the age of 14, next year.
^Huggles < Is not as "EVIL" as you may assume vFeels better
^ Ish confused < Knows what he was saying v Was confuddled
Oh, hey there. Follow the rules, have fun, and act like an loonatic in the spam zone.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Same here................