HI! Follow the rules , have fun, and act INSANE in the spam zone!
All I Can say is LEVEL UP before fighting him.
I have always wondered... Since you get to TWTNW through the data Twilight Town, was TWTNW just a data recreation aswell?
The Hollow Bastion from KH 2. It just wouldn't make any sense, at all.
If this makes it into bbs, I'll be pleasantly surprised.
*Posts Like a madman*Tells the truth...
Ish called axel WTF
Is M. Jackson.
Hates me and wants to kill me.
Has a giant badge with "I AM GAY" written on it.
Well, it was going to happen sometime, I hope it comes out soon!
Is Angry, at an army of sex-crazed umpa-lumpa's
Same here....It took months to get the burn away.
I just have. YAY FOR BBQ's!
I know I'm meant to be a mortal enemy of the castle but can I have a cookie plz? WOOT-Woot-Woot
Is well known....but is fading from the limelight, QUICKLY
Lol.Now can somebody plz. tell me where to get a real gps tracker? So I can freak out my friends by stalking them. No.It brings up two chicks in a bathtub, doing....stuff?