Err...wa...hmmm...*Cough*they both died and.....
blood and everybody ran away from the pyramid head who was....
^No. <Wants Okámi vWill give me Okámi?
A child who likes wolves(and bandanas?)
*Regrows head and walks away*
You'll have to wait until Repliku is online. But yeah probably....
And then I type; UserName:USA Password:85T4562TSGB6H6735HAL9045GSACKLESS875I9035VDUS5A7 10011100100001101011011101001011010011100100001101011011101001011010011100100001101011011101001011010011100100001101011011101001011*LAUNCH* And the nuclear warning sirens start to whail as darkness encompases the globe....
Gave you a present....The BSoD (BSoD=Blue screen of death)
I'm gonna' see if da moogle family will join our crusade.
Can I have one please? user:timeless dimensions:400x110 stock:
Global warming, a terrorist attack or a fatal desease.
"You treatin' me like I got herpes, brother" Lance Vance GTA:VCS
Under normal circumstances I would say sorry KK.....But this is war and in war forgiveness is for the weak.
She's turned RABID, we need to put her down*Injects puppy with a lethal needal*......She's dead.
Directions to the pub, when jabba the hut fell out of the sky and....
hair length: Shoulder gender: Male Height: 6ft Castle:SP's death castle. I needs a magical pimpin' staff. edit:And sephiroth's masume+Orgy 13's trench-coat, please?