You played it before though right?
Only Rvr and Spdude are admins. And it's obvious who does the better job. :/
That was a good call.
Sup Jerome
Holy fucking crap.
I remember going for orange 2 years ago. But at when i had about 700 posts it turned orange. And when i got premium in Novemeber or october or something I was stuck with that extremly ugly pink.
Bushido .
Technically I'd be a sophomore now, if i were to live in America. :v
9/10 for Beat.
Someone's tryin to start something.
Yeah keep talking.
15 now. :v
suuuuuuuuuuuup? ::L:
Love you too Rosey
You guys are awesome i hope you had tons of fun.
I was away for 3 weeks. What can i do? :/
8/10 .
Link to stream please. I hope he's playing the N64 version which was obviously the best.
It feels good to be back. Also I just got something extremly awesome for my birthday.
You're alive?