I'm starting school tomorrow. I want summer to last a bit more actually. Atleast the weather.
Hey man remember me? I used to be TheChosenOne
I can't hear anything.
No Yes Meh Meh No Yes No Yes Yes
Both kinda meh, 6/10 for both.
If you can make it as good as Square-enix made their Action Rpg, i'll play it for sure. :3 Naw kidding, i'll see how well you've done if you finish it.
turn-based 2D? If you can make it good sure.
I think Final Fantasy X was better on it's own. It didn't really need the sequel. FFX is probably the most beautiful game I've ever played though. ;__;
I don't know why everyone is thinking it will come so fast. I'm pretty sure it won't be before 2013.
Timothy .
I'd get it for PS3 because of the free Joker Maps. I mean if you can get something good for free, why wouldn't you get it? Don't worry about the graphics though it looks as good on PS3 as on 360.
Stick to Rosey. :v
Misty you're pretty keep smiling like that. I love your hair Cherry ;_; Kitty and Sammy have no noses. D: You look great Haley. Rosey is looking very pretty. Also old picture
Well wow that was funny.
As a matter of fact it's actually spelled Ypsilon. Also you have double-you It's not even a u it should be double v Oh and i think it would be extremly funny seeing any of you trying to speak german and our articles. Cause we have three of them.
I hate when these situations.
For a split second i thought you were forum helper because of your sometimes green name.
I have no idea how FFXII made it in there but MGS2 not.
It looks a lot like Trigger is winning both the Best and worst male member.
I honestly don't really care and wish people would stop arguing. Sounds a lot like i'm a hypocrite but whatever.