lol Anywho, I must go. School and stuff. Can't live with it, can;t make a living without it lol. You my good man have earned the title of bro XD...
I believe there is some truth to it. Not to say I live by the stars and live that kind of life, but its fun lol.
XD How about you? You believe in that kind of stuff? Astrology and stuff? I do, mostly lol.
lol I must admit, we do have alot in common. Especially on the sense of humor and sarcasm XD lol Perhaps there is some logic to all that...
lol Perhaps. But on which end? Did my part of the US mess up or yours? And I know, I just look and act modest XD
But, what I wanna know: If we are twins, A: how did we get so separated, and B: How are you the one who got the girlfriend first? I am the one...
No. We share the same birthday, so its more likely we are twins XD lol Ya never know, anything could happen lol.
lol I would say go entertain yourself, but if your like me you've already done that today XD lol.
lol Meh, maybe later lol. I was just looking for an excuse to use that XD A friend of mine at school took it and will eventually hand it in for a...
..... Meh, youv'e broken me XD [spoiler]
Anybody who would ban me...? ..... *thinks*..... Hmm..... Excuse me while I think of another reason not to do it as it becomes more and more...
lol oddly I don't think that will be happening XD I enjoy being able to say I have not been banned XD Meh. Maybe after I hit premium XD lol
lol Sweetness XD Anything new? I am up to my usual tech stuff, emulating DS, gym leader challenge, photoshop lol. Le stuff.
"appropriate"? Why don't I buy that? XD lol Well, cancel that. Given the subject of our conversation it is probably quite appropriate lol XD...
lol Okay, you had me then lost me lol. S & G?
lol What? XD
Hey, some updates. Sorry its been awhile, school and such lol. I beat the first Gym :D Got my first HM Pansage is my HM slave :) Teipig is level 13 :) And thats about it. Working towards next gym. Like the screen shots? See more here! <-- Photobucket Oh, and I never really chose a sprite. Will this do? :)
Not a problem. You need to get on that school work anyways lol.
Not much, computer is ready when you are :) How about you?
You got it buddy :D Till then? Whatcha wanna talk about? :)