lol How on earth did I miss your other message? lol Hey, I am good :D You?
3179-patience is a virtue you lack-7130-will do-3022-screw you XD
lol On comp, making a mii so I can use the friend thing.
Aww, but posting it from a 3DS is a real ***** XD Oh well.
lol I said "And on an unrelated note: NOOOOO!!!! Square enix has exactly 666 videos uploaded XD I dunno. Maybe posting from a brand spanking new...
I wasn't saying they had no interest in Nintendo, I just meant the Wii seemed kinda a step back to me. But still, a good point you've got there :) Edit: With a bit of research the Wii would indeed be a step back. This is the Wii U is a new thing, so I guess that just changes everything lol. Sorry, I thought the U was a typo. It is located right next to I, so I figured it was a slip of the finger. lol Shows how much I know.
Well, if it is true I will be very impressed. HD touch ups are nice, would definitely make a good addition to our archives. The only thing that's got me skeptical here is the Wii bit. They don't appear to have had any interest in it up till this point, so why start now when the console has been replaced by bigger and better things?
Real: Adam Nobody: Daxam Pronounced: dax (like axe, but with a D) am (I am Daxam) Problem?: Nope.
lol K, good to know. And sweetness. also, on N YNREKATED NOTE; NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Square enix has exactly 666 videos uploaded XD
lol I dunno, I am asking you. Look at my and Jake's convo.
I see. Jake appears to be mad at you. May I ask why?
Hey, when you be on skype next? Any idea?
Hello, how are you?
lol Why you mad at him? And I am good, busy as usual lol. Good song by the way :)
Hey dude? Guess what. I found the proper skin for our project. Unless you still want custom lol.
lol hey. How you be?
lol I didn't know that Final Fantasy was available on X-box
lol And again. For what system? :D