Yeah, just don't let that shite happen again,arite?
That's what happens when you hit reset
Thank you, Tale!
Now if Kefka were in Bloodborne, how many blood vessels would Novers blow?
I busted a gut at the money spirit bomb[DOUBLEPOST=1469202775][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, you're supposed to put Kefka for Libre.
I hear that's only after years of training where you learn what hockey pockey is all about
The hokey pokey is very emotional.
[DOUBLEPOST=1469145316][/DOUBLEPOST] ...Can't tell if serious Approach slowly.
I mean, Sonic Team is talented. Lost world was fuggin great, and they've got stuff like Chu Chu Rocket still under their belt. It's just they kinda got the shit end.
Yeah, tomorrow they unveil Sonic Team's new game that they're taking an extra year to work on to make sure it's the most polished Sonic game ever. 3D, too, apparently. GOT NO REGRETS INSIDE OF MEEEE-EEE
You know it's over now, right? We ruined it. The next trend starts here and we can't stop it.
Rude rating given. Don't tell me what I can and can't think. Check your privilege. ohgodthisisgonnastartsomethingdumb
Man, Terry Crews and Little Crews are sure cruising around that course.
I don't think I would've been able to swallow that.
This is why I like butts. Name another body part that has a genre of rock. (Hair metal is not rock) Exactly,
I'm jamming, but where is the determination to fight a medieval soldier?