I'll be Rukia
Link nodded and flashed a brilliant grin. He walked outside, quickly flipping up his hood before the sun could touch his marble skin.
"DON'T MAKE ME PUNCH YOU!!!!" Sakura was getting angry. She resembled Tsunade as she cracked her knuckles again.
Sakura caught up to Sora. "ANSWER ME, WHO ARE YOU," she said, cracking her knuckles ominously.
The intercom crackled to life.We need you to dismiss Link please. The teacher nodded in his direction. Link stole a glance at the window and sure enough the sun was breaking through the clouds. He hurried through the hall, again having to dodge Mike, Jenni, and now Charlie. "My apologies," he murmured as he brushed past them.
((thank you ^_^ I love it to(hence the avi)))
Sakura, who had followed them, steped in front of Sora. "Who are you."
((T.T everyone ignores me)) Link entered his classroom and sat down. he looked out the window at the overcast sky.
((I will bring them in)) Sakura landed right behind naruto and tensed. "Ino," she said scornfully. Gaara was in his office, working on an important treaty. Temari walked along the street, headed for the market. She bumped into Hejai, causing both of them to fall.
Link brushed past Mike and Jenni. He would have collided with them if not for him pivoting in a split second. "My apologies," he said in a musical voice.
Sakura continued behind Naruto. "Wonder who it is," she murmured to herself, unconsciously pulling on her gloves.
Link sighed. I'm tired of having to do this every year. He shifted his small black backpack higher up and scrutinized the school.(I'm gonna make up what it looks like ok?) The red bricked, black roofed school looked just like the others. A throng of people streamed into and out of it.Getting out of his car, he weaved gracefully in and out of the people until he was inside the school. Finding his locker, he put his things in and grabbed his guitar pick and shut the locker door. It shut with a metallic clang.None of the other people in the hall even gave it a second glance. Link picked up his guitar and headed to strings, weaving through the people in a gate that was similar to dancing, so fluid and natural.
that would be AWESOME!!! thank you :glomp:
I WANTED to be Sakura but since sombody took it I'll be Temari and Gaara
Name:Gregory(is known as Link) Age:17 Grade:12 Classes:Strings, English, Art, Free Period, Drama Biography:a strange boy, no one knows where he came from, disappears from school about once a month Personality:kind and funny, very smart, has an extremely bad temper Family:2 sisters and 2 brothers, mom and dad Appearance:midnight black, spiky hair and grayish blue eyes Created by:XxRukiaKuchikixX
interesting can i join *puppy dog face*
is it too late to join? Name:Alice Kennedy Age: 15 Appearance:She has shoulder length brown hair always up in a ponytail, pale crystal blue eyes. Also she wears a gray long sleeved shirt with a hint of blue and black loose jeans, black converse sneakers and a black choker with a purple jewel on it Gender:female Blood Type: 0 Weapon:hook blades Small Bio: She lived with her older brother until the age of 11 when her brother sent her to this school under the impression that it was a self defense school. She has gone to this school for 4 years. Year: 5th Other:had a wolf dog back a home but had to release him, she goes to visit him often Colour: Medium Turquoise
I'll be Lilly Potter and James Potter(Harry's kids)
more please oh I'm writing one too or I was but I have a problem
0.0 really really AWESOME *sneezes*