Gwyxn nodded. "So just look around the castle and tell you if I see anyone?" she asked.
Gwyxn grinned and quietly told her, "Come on and join the party; Xin and everyone is waiting for you."
Gwyxn nodded. "Got it." She portalled in the direction Reixa had gone, being sure to move quickly, but quietly. "Rei, what are you doing?" she hissed, grabbing the girl's arm.
OOC: He means, what house do you want? :P
OOC: *whacks Gatekeeper* I knooooow. But the other person's not on, so technically I'm the only one in Ravenclaw posting. :P Cassandra grinned as she got to the common room and flopped onto her bed, tired.
OOC: Oh sure...all of you forget about the poor girl alone in Ravenclaw. :P Cassandra yawned as she finished eating and waited for the food to disappear.
Cassandra looked surprised at the food appearing, but shrugged and loaded her plate with food.
Cassandra smiled and clapped for Cade, who she noticed looked extremely happy.
"What took you so long, Rei?" Gwyxn asked her quietly. She was surprised that the girl had gotten here so late; Reixa usually got to things around the same time she did.
Cassandra mouthed, Good luck to Cade as she walked over and took a seat at the Ravenclaw table.
Cassandra nodded as she nervously walked up to the stool and sat down. She'd heard about the Sorting from her mother, and she was extremely nervous about what house she'd get in. Ravenclaw, Ravenclaw... she quietly hoped.
OOC: ...I don't remember the name of it either, but I know what you're talking about. Gwyxn looked up at the heart shaped moon. Xin had called it Kingdom Hearts, which obviously made sense since the giant thing was basically a kingdom of hearts collected into one. "This place is pretty white..." she muttered softly, rolling her eyes.
Cassandra looked up at the doors. Once she went through them, she'd be in Hogwarts. She quietly hoped to be placed in Ravenclaw.
Cassandra quickly followed the other first years over to the boats and got in one.
Kairi please. ^^
Gwyxn quickly followed the two, eager to see what the castle looked like.
Cassandra nodded, before heading off to change into her robes.
"Hey, cheer up. We're just peeking, it's not like we're going to get catch. We're smarter than that." she told Xin, smiling brightly.
OOC: Heh...forgot about that. Cassandra quickly left the compartment, telling Dmitriy, "Who knows? I could end up in Hufflepuff for all I know."
Cassandra looked out the window, staring out into the darkening sky.