Eva shrugged. "I've got nothing better to do."
"I'm Eva. And unless I suddenly teleported without knowing it, we're in the City of Dawn."
Cassandra followed Hintaro into the classroom and took a seat somewhere in the backrow, not feeling like being the center of attention today.
Gwyxn appeared back at headquaters. She took a seat on a couch, stretched out, and relaxed. 'If Xin's going to take a while, I might as well relax.' Demyx looked down at Axel, who looked pretty intimidated, but pissed off at the same time. It made him wonder who Axel had been fighting for so long though, since he'd been so late to the meeting, and he'd been escorted by Saix, which usually wasn't a good thing.
Gwyxn rolled her eyes and appeared back by the group. She couldn't believe that Xin was just taking the whole exciting part for herself; actually, she could believe it. Pouting, she muttered, "We'd probably better go back."
OOC: I did say I was going to be gone for a little bit. :P Eva swung Divine Rose in her hands a few times, looking it over. Keyblade. Eva blinked as the word ran through her head. "Keyblade?" she muttered curiously.
"A boy?" Eva shook her head. "Sorry. Hey, where'd you come from anyway? I've never seen hanging around the City of Dawn before." OOC: Be back in a couple minutes. ^^
"Eh?" Eva whirled around and turned to face a girl that she'd never seen before. Curiousity got the better of her and she walked over to the other girl.
As she walked through the dark town, Eva looked up to see a star quickly flash, then flicker out. She blinked, confused. That was something new.
"I know...it's amazing. I barely know any spells, and I don't think many other people do either."
OOC: Ditto. Me getting bored since there's nothing happening in teh meeting. I have to admit, you two are great RPers though, TN and CG.
There was a series of quakes, one of which almost knocking Eva out the window. "What's..." She jumped off her windowsill, heading outside to try and find out what was going on.
"Hey. The food's pretty good." Cassandra told him as he was sitting down.
Gwyxn grinned from her spot as she heard Xin withdraw her weapons, rooting silently for her.
Being inbetween both the meeting room and the room where the others were, Gwyn took turns listening to both conversations.
Rocking her feet back and forth over the ledge, Eva sighed. 'This place is so boring. There has to be something beyond this...right?'
"Don't worry, I won't be noticed." The bubbly blonde created a portal to the meeting room and went through, but stayed inside it, waiting for the meeting to begin.
Cassandra took a seat at the Ravenclaw table, yawning. She hadn't gotten that much sleep last night...at least she'd be awake enough not to fall asleep in class.
The City of Dawn began to dim as the sun set over the city. Eva had found it ironic how even the City of Dawn had a nighttime of sorts. She sat in her windowsill, looking out at the growing dusk.
"Took long enough..." Demyx set his sitar over in the corner and portaled down into the throne room, just wanting to get the meeting over with. Gwyxn blinked. Why was the idiot humming louder? Did he want them to know he was here or something?