"I didn't know I was insulting your parents...sorry." Cassandra answered softly.
Looking over at her clock, Gwyxn realized that she still had time before she had to go meet with the group, but she was bored out of her mind sitting her. She shrugged and portalled back downstairs, where she saw Xin sitting at a table. "Hey."
"You were the one who got mad over a simple comment..." Cassandra said dryly. "I'm not fighting him, so no need to worry, Mayya."
"Prat." Cassandra smirked, then smiled at Mayya and told her, "He just hates Ravenclaws."
"Well, I'm sure you'd make up for him if he's a Gryffindor." Cassandra teased, pointing at Cade.
Cassandra stuck her tongue out at him and turned back to the window. "So, what house do you think you're gonna be in, Mayya?"
OOC: ...actually, I don't know if it's really a mission, but we're going to go spy on Org. XII.
"Sweet; I wanna learn how to do that." Cassandra grinned.
Gwyxn noticed Xangel walking boredly around the room and gave the girl a cheerful wave before portaling back into her room. Staring at the white walls of her room, she sat down on her bed and dangled her legs over the edge of it boredly. Truthfully, she was pretty excited about the mission; well, as excited as something with no emotions could be.
"Then don't put everyone else in one group." Cassandra looked out the window boredly.
Cassandra rolled her eyes. "I get the arrogant prats thing because a group of older Gryffindors were bragging about something before I got here, and they cussed me out when I asked for a seat." Cassandra looked over at Mayya. "Um, I think there's still room for one more person..."
OOC: Basically, both Organizations are planning; with Org. XIII planning to catch our Org. off guard by making up a fake plan in case we come, and we're basically getting ready to head over there... *hopes that was a decent summary*
"I think I"m smart...sort of..." Cassandra stuck her out at him. "Gryffindor? But that's full of a bunch of arrogant prats!"
"Cassandra, future Ravenclaw at your service!" She gave a mock bow and grinned.
Gwyxn giggled. "Yeah, I'm totally nervous, but hey! It's something to do, right? Anything else I need to know?" she asked the two curiously, grey eyes glimmering with interest. OOC: That's pretty creepy. 0.o
"Oh yeah...forgot about that." Cassandra smiled. "Hey, I never got your name, did I?"
"Yup...was it that obvious?" Cassandra asked nervously, giving an embarrased smile. Not only had she gotten lost in Diagon Alley, but she'd had trouble having a seat too. Great start to a year, Cassandra!she thought, rolling her eyes.
Cassandra sheepishly walked in and took a seat. "At least I finally found somewhere to sit." Her kitten followed her in, picked a spot on the floor, and fell asleep.
"Well, if I'm interupting something, I can go." Cassandra said sheepishly.
She nodded. "I've been looking for a couple minutes. Can I sit with you guys?"