Yayz! *shoots user title* Me no Like you.... 27608
What's not to get? >.> <.< Look a Kirby! *runs*
No but Kirby is mean^^
Le Gasp!! I go over that!! Does that mean I am bad??? TT,TT 27604
Hey people!! I has to go to school soon... TT.TT Just adding my daily contribution to this place^^ 27602
It honestly doesn't look bad at all!
Hey!^^ What's up? I think we need to go to sleep^^ 27526
Here it's 12:06 so it's Friday!!! 27524 Hey kikame
I hope that too^^ Gasp It's Friday!!! Party!! 27521
Maybe it won't disconnect^^ Hopefully!^^ 27519
Sir I believe you have the wrong number, please hang up and try again.
Lawlz!! Love the Plusle and Minun sig^^ 27517
Sir you do not sound clinicaly depressed...
Hello you have reached the suicide help line how may we help you?
O.o Roxma??
I would care! Don't do it Bleck!! Disgusting!
Aww :glomp: Great KH reference tummer^^
http://youtube.com/watch?v=vWXJcbGmyu4 I connect with this song lately... 27513
Aww ByeBye Easter hurry back! :glomp:
Yep and then Jen slapped us for getting us kicked out^^ I think she is still mad at me^^ XP 27505