um...september 11th? Is that a good sign? o,0
Ok! :D I'll go for....hmm..Ultima Queen..who'd i be good with? i can't pick. o,O
What? o,o.. *swings keyblade out at Rhian+Roxas and she disappears* ......ooops. O,O
@AmericanSephiroth: I know. it'll be the day i die before i sing like that.
PAR-TAY! WHOOOP! :P I've been so depressed lately and the weather isn't helping. I'm fine now ..not to worry cause it was just a mood i guess . ^,^
Ohhh THAT evil monkey xD *evil monkey points at Xyam>* lols
*responding to rikuxking* You....STABBED ME!!! *eye twitch*
wait...your not talking about the..."Dora the explorer"? right?
Thanks for the friend invite :D
Heeyyyyy ..^_^ Also i'm gonna get it ...cause my sis has a ds hehhehe i'm gonna steal it for a while. xD
and that would be...????
Be weirded out by my awesomeness. xD hahahahaha! Thake that CloudStrife2k9
I'm learning how to play but so far...I'm not so good xD
*slaps anyone who visits next* come on! someone!
oh..ok thanks so much bro. ^_^
it was just a really warm day today..idky I just hope we don't get too bad of a winter o,o
you really think so ? o,0 but why is he so shy all of a sudden? I've known him for almost 2 years.
I tell him that i love him but he seems to change the subject to "oh crap phone is ringing" or "brb" Then when i try to show any sign of...
good.. except it's way to hot to be missouri -.-'