Me: *tells Saix* Saix: *goes beserk* Me: Oh Crap....-.-
You are so right dude...but what to do for it? o,o
Sephiroth and i are engaged *shows off huge rock* BLING BLING lolz
Giving Saix a bath ...he keeps getting fleas...he goes berserk mode when he gets fleas...O.O
Man...Tifa needs to join the black parade. lol (well only cause i'm Tifa)
lol that's good. xD
Hello..what's up Marluxia? :D
I love Dissidia...i get to play Sephiroth with his shirt off. xD I almost had a nosebleed
Well ...idk i did want Axel but when Xyam had him i just kept to i think i'll keep him. :D
okkkk....nvm bout that last. xD I ment...well idk what i ment so ..just forget it...lolz anyway..*ahem* yeah...SOMEONE HELP! ..NEED UPDATE!!!
O,O $h!t guys!!! WTH! ....dude...-.-.........not cool man....
AHHHH! WTH! *grabs Soras heartless and shakes him* WHAT DO WE DO MAN!!!!!! O,O She's a freakin Nobody!!!!
lol don't worry Rhian+Roxas I'm short for my age. I'm almost 17 and i'm 5'4".
ooooooo KKKKKkkkkkkk.....well now we need a king! ^_^ I summon all peoplez of dis group to a meeting in order to find out who will be placed as King.
*looks at Kazune* Kinda reminds me of LOTR! xD
wow alot can happen when you go for a few days. O.o *goes diving and pulls plug out from bottom of group pool* :D
wow ya'll can talk. O.O ALOT!
Oh yeah that should turn out great. Probably better than that one too. ^_^
That sounds awesome. can't wait to see the Kh / TWEWY spoof, and the new logo. ^_^ hope it works out for you.
lol no prob. got any ideas on what your gonna post on deviantart?