*slaps rikuxking* yeah bring it.
Hey Cloud what's up? ^,^
Cool. ya i'm doing ok thanks.
ya your right...thanks though
no not really...my boyfriend told me he was bi. O,O idk what to do..should i break up with him?
.....Jelous?...of Roxas? ....um..no Roxas whould be a little child to me... I go for Axel or someone older.
KEYBLADE! ^,^ *brings out Soul Eater*
lol you know i've never done that in my life when i beat a boss. o,0 though i might give it a try one day xDDDD
I missed you too ^,^
well...i have a slight obsession with Inuyasha xDDDD
Hey there you are. :) how are you?
lol I'm alright just dreading school...(homeschool) :( I'm gonna miss my friends.... but anyway...how are you doing?
Hey bro...sorry i forgot to sign out last night that's why you didn't get any responce ...my bad..
True ...xD oh so true my man..lol.. well i gotta get to bed.. it's like 1:00 am where i live so ...night.
lol i know how you feel...my older cusins litterally tied me to a chair (not kidding) and forced me to watch the third one Dx...
Sorry bout that...my comp been acting up (why i haven't been on lately)...
whoot someones gettin hitched! GO XYAM!!! (although kinda sad that she got Axel) still happy for her! :P
lol yeah and i also saw that one time for April fools day..that they were gonna have a HSM thing in there (which freaked me out cause i HATE HSM)...
Dude..I watched that metor shower and i saw like some come really close to us.. O,O it was AMAZING!!!
Lol that was good ..xDDDD I always thought that he was gay...just everyone was all like.."nooo" like i spoke of something unholy o,0 lol xD...in...