Sex is a way of knowing if you're compatible with your partner, it's part of a growing relationship. Contrary to your misconceptions, even in Teens, Sex is usually not taken lightly as just some "thing to do", and couples may be together for over a year or more before they even reach the point where they trust their partner enough to take the relationship further. Sex is apart of growing with your partner, and it's part of your relationship moving forward instead of staying stagnant. It's as important as your first date, your first kiss, the time you met their family, and all the little moments of just hanging out with one another and things like talking on the phone for hours. All of those things are what let you know you're compatible with the person your with, as you experience all of them the relationship grows, and Sex is another factor of being compatible with someone, it's another way of moving forward in the relationship. Yes, this means that having Sex before Marriage, is a way to know if you're ready for Marriage with that person in the first place. It is not so shallow as to dismiss it as "oh you just want them for their body if you disrespect them by having sex before marriage", it's apart of knowing if you'll be taking that step with that person.
You realize you're being entirely contradictory of yourself here. Let's see here, you state that Sex is not a proper way of showing your love/affection for someone in a relationship, and is not a way to take a relationship to the next level. So, you're stating that Sex is not important or valuable to the "love" factor of the relationship at all. Therefore sex is not sacred or a symbolism of love. Sex is Sex.
And now you post the name of your school on the internet This certainly gets better and better
So, having consensual sex ever in your life makes you a skank? Having sex when you're not married does not mean that you're a loose tart who after the first time feels the need to get drunk and get laid at every opportunity with no inhibitions whatsoever. A woman doesn't have to be a whore to decide that she would like to have sex with her boyfriend, and for most it is not a decision taken lightly, as some may date for over a year before they feel comfortable and trusting of their partner that they want to take the relationship further.
Jesus christ are you ******ed? You have to have sex with someone who has already had sex with someone with those infections and diseases in order to contract them, they do not spawn out of the act of sex, they are simply spread through fluids. You need to have sex with someone who already has contracted AIDS in order to get AIDS from Sex, having sex enough doesn't suddenly manifest itself into an AIDS virus. For one, if you wait until marriage for sex, and you're having sex with someone who would probably abuse you, you realize that you are now married to the abusive person, as apposed to just having sex with them? Also, I laugh about the "30 minutes" part, because you assume that the first time you have sex it's going to be 30 minutes long. Enjoy your sad 2 minutes before premature ejaculations and night of weeping next to your partner on your honeymoon. People who wait until marriage for Sex, for one, have their fantasy dreams of what a "magical" experience it is shattered, when the Girl has her vag torn through the first time and can't walk right for the next day. And even then, you may find that your partner absolutely sucks at sex, leaving your marriage devoid of your "special 30 (divided by 10) minutes" and completely unsatisfactory. Your marriage may end up unsuccessful because you want to find someone more compatible and who can actually satisfy you, so you end the marriage just to find some other person to give/receive a hot dicking from.
it's really intelligent of you to be giving out your classmates' names on the internet
My vagina is wet
Jesus christ you guys ****ing suck just quoting god damn movies it makes me want to eat your insides
"I drank what?" -Socrates
You found Flint? Was he looking for Claus?
Monster Hunter, ***
Cock**** .
I lol'd
Cloud/Sephiroth sex scene
context of the joke: Made more sense before this thread was moved out of Graphics
Rape some hella loose bitches.
A cuntsock
This is marginally less amusing to me now that this thread was moved out of the Graphics Section and the context in which I made the thread is lost.