If you got it second-hand, it may have been modded with Custome Firmware, which means it can no longer play UMDs.
-Opera is the fastest browser based on speed benchmarks -Opera has a built-in mouse gesture interface, meaning you can browse without actually clicking icons, but instead doing things like right-click and then draw a circle to open a new tab, etc. -Firefox is the safest browser based on security -Firefox has the most customizability and extra features due to it's opensource Extension/Add-On service -Google Chrome loads java/flash fastest -Google Chrome uses the least amount of computer resources -Internet Explorer and Safari are good for absolutely nothing
I leave you guys alone for a couple days so I can go get some mad pussy to thrice lay me, and I come back to find this bullshit. gat dam *****s, you gay
If you think I pay any mind to where "the line" is, then you haven't seen much of my work here. Also, /b/ is for twatsicles, trolling is not mutually exclusive to the fourchons
Actually, that's exactly what "this is the internet" means Call him up, because I seriously think there are probably cocks in his mouth at this very moment
Dear god he sounds like a ******
You mean the blacks? I don't fucen know, Africa?
jesus christ you're black
you make ****** posts
I want to defecate on your chest its so god damn beautiful
lol ***
ITT: people with calculators
If he continued that gesture you wouldn't be seeing his ass
Jesus christ your changing font color makes me want to vomit from my eyes
KHI killed my dog
You were happy, most likely because you are homosexual
lol sup **** did ya miss me
This is weird Famous appears to be on *dancewaterdance*'s side of the argument, but they're arguing against them crazy bitches
It does not determine whether you are compatible, but it is a part of knowing if you are. Sex is another level of compatibility, it's as important as when you discovered if you and your partner had similar taste in music/movies, that you liked their family, that they know how to make you laugh, etc. With this mindset, it seems apparent to me that Dating shouldn't be taking place at all in the Teen years, if we are to hold such values. That boy in your class you like? You can't date him, it's not like you're going to marry him, so why date? What is the point of kissing in relationships either? Shouldn't we get to know our partners, not be worried with kissing them? If you've got to kiss your partner, you're not concentrating on knowing them, kissing should wait till marriage (and indeed in some sects of religion, you can hardly hold hands with your partner before marrying them) My comment was in response to your implication that people who wait for sex, their first time should be a "much more magical and joyful experience", when you certainly have no authority to know this, and your judgement of what your first time will be like is probably much eschew. ... If you don't know, then it'll certainly be awesome for you to find out when the night comes. Funny thing about science, is that you can find studies that are entirely contradictory of one another: http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/pihhr/files/SexLies_Stereotypes2008.pdf http://www.plannedparenthood.org/newsroom/press-releases/hiv-7354.htm Church songs and prayers also teach love of your fellow man, to never lie, to stone sinners, that there should be no war...and how many wars do we have in the name of God, how many lies and misconceptions do the Church present, how many "God hates ****" and hate protests do we hear all the time? I'm just saying that if you have christian values and believe that waiting for sex until after marriage is your lifestyle of choice, if you're presented with question for a scientific study to say "Do you believe that because you waited until after Marriage, that you're better off for it?", regardless of whether you're unhappy or not, you'd want to advocate your lifestyle of choice and say that you definitely made the right choice and others should as well?
What, so that way you're married to a person you're not compatible to, instead of just being in a relationship with them? I'm sure you're an authority on the subject? Right now your idea of sex is a fantasy world where you think sunshine and flowers are going to bloom on your wedding night, and you're going to have a tough time realizing Sex is not like that, and considering you're a girl, your first night certainly won't be. I'd like to see these scientific studies. Regardless, considering people who wait for Marriage the majority of the time have religious reasons for doing so, most religions teach you to be delusional and blindingly faithful to your partner even in unhappiness. So, I would say that when given a questionaire on whether their marriage is happier because they waiting for marriage and told that this was for a published scientific study, obviously Religious advocates are going to say that the way they chose to do it has led them to be happier because of it, because that validates their lifestyle.