"Oh."he muttered
"Jacob...wha-? Lake..? whats going on?"Lyra said pulling her dressing gown around her August slowly turned to stare at her,looking bored "She wanted four werewolves....his sisters arent strong enough....but three will have to do..."he muttered rising a tube like thing,pointing it at the she-wolf.
"That's a...-" "She knows."Lyra said"Jordan....I told her." "Wha-?"
"They came for River...."she said her voice higher in her fight and worry "That girl at the wedding's brother..." Mickey followed her,just in time to see them load a limp River into the back of a black van,though his eyes were open....Mickey had seen that look on his son Once....after he'd had that strange injection.A snarl ripped through him
"Yeah...Im Lily's....."she muttered,looking at Casey sharply,then her expression softened,He probably just didnt want to freak his future mother out...young as she was. Just then Jordan stuck his head in and whistled to his sister "Ly...you seen my wand? Is it in your pocket?"glancing at Conni "Of course it is.....do you think I'd trust you with it...alone? No way....your not getting it untill school....its your fault somehow we're here."
He smiled."I stopped trying to get the girls in this family to stay behind along time ago Hermia...it does no good...only makes them angry."he smiled following her "They'll be ok...right? Dad,River and Hermia...."
she bit her lip "Twenty years..."she said quietly
he nodded"I should have stepped in a long time ago....the day he left to be exact....I should have made him stay...18 or not...I was still his father....24 or not...I still am." Elena stared wide eye'd at her mother "Mum...?"she squeaked
"Exactly....and they're not stupid....eventually they will put two-and-two together.....we might as well...."she said turning her attention back to Conni..."we're....not...from this timeline..."she said carefully measuring the blonde's reaction...."we're from the future....way into the future..."
"Elena...if you changed into a wolf....could you carry your sister to your grandparents house?" "where are you going Dad?" "Too help your brother...now when I say run...run ok? dont stop....just run."
"I-I dont know if....we can....if we should tell you...."she said staring wide eyed from Casey to Conni "It might mess things up..."
"where's River?"Mickey asked suddenly sitting up straight. "what are we gonna do? where are we gonna go?"Elena saidjumping when there was a huge crashing sound from outside
she glanced helplessly at Casey, the jig is up she thought,"Yes.."she sai quietly,looking at her feet
her mouth popped open,then she closed it,nodding,then she took off down the hall,throwing open her parents door,she practically threw herself on their bed,bouncing to wake them up as she did when she was a child,"Mum! Dad!wake up! wake up! they've found River! they found him!"she all but screamed "Elena....shhh....its just a bad dream....go back to bed..."Mickey muttered sleepily
she gasped loudly oh sh*t....we are so f*cked....if she knows....if she even suspects....we'rein deep sh*t...
"Hermia....wha-?"Elena said rubbing her eye tiredly"why's Ocean over your shoulder...? whats going on?"
He watched her go for a second before jumping out the window,neatly landing of his feet,only wincing slightly because of his ankle
she looked around the carriage as the silence got a little akward
"Ah now I remember .." He said
"well first you get her and Elena outta here then tell my parents and then come help me if you want...im gonna hold him off."